25 Contoh Narrative Text Serta Definisi & Generic Structure

EA - Narrative Text-01

Masih ingat dengan cerita si kancil dan buaya? Nah, cerita tersebut adalah salah satu contoh narrative text, loh. Sudah tahu belum, bagaimana definisi, struktur, dan contoh narrative text dalam bahasa Inggris? Kalau belum, kamu dapat menemukan pembahasan lengkapnya di artikel ini!

Hai hai! Guys, di artikel ini, English Academy akan kembali mengupas tuntas salah satu teks bahasa Inggris yang kerap muncul dan menemani kita dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Setelah sebelumnya membahas tentang teks eksplanasi, teks prosedur, dan teks eksposisi, sekarang giliran narrative text atau teks naratif, nih.

Kalau kamu masih ingat, narrative text merupakan salah satu materi yang umumnya dipelajari oleh siswa SMA. Coba diingat lagi, ini materi bahasa Inggris kelas berapa ya?

By the way, selain menjadi bahan belajar, teks ini juga tak jarang hadir sebagai soal di berbagai tes, mulai dari ujian sekolah, ujian nasional, hingga TOEFL.

Seperti yang kita tahu, TOEFL adalah tes yang menguji kemampuan bahasa Inggris seseorang. Jadi, perlu dipersiapkan dengan sebaik mungkin, bukan?

Selain itu, di bagian akhir artikel ini juga dilengkapi 25 artikel contoh narrative text dari berbagai genre. Jadi, mari pahami terlebih dahulu seluk beluk  mengenai materi teks naratif bareng English Academy!


Apa Itu Teks Naratif (Narrative Text)?

Narrative text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang menceritakan rangkaian peristiwa dengan sistem kronologis atau saling terhubung.

Narrative text umumnya bersifat imajinatif, alias tidak nyata.. Contoh narrative text adalah cerita Cinderella.

Teks naratif seringkali disamakan dengan cerpen bahasa Inggris. Mungkin hal tersebut tidak salah, tetapi terdapat beberapa perbedaan, loh.

Cek penjelasan lengkapnya melalui artikel Cerpen bahasa Inggris: Definisi, Struktur, Ciri, dan Contohnya. 

Lalu, apakah novel fiksi bisa dikatakan sebagai teks narasi? Benar, sebuah cerita dalam novel yang bersifat fiktif bisa dikatakan sebagai teks narasi. Teks ini juga sering dijadikan sebagai cerita untuk melakukan story telling bahasa Inggris.


Tujuan Narrative Text (Purpose/Function of Narrative Text)

Fungsi sosial dari narrative text adalah untuk menghibur audiens atau pembaca. Maka dari itu, jenis teks yang satu ini cocok untuk anak kecil maupun remaja dan dewasa.

Tujuan dari narrative text ini sama dengan recount text, lho.  Tapi, kalau narrative text kan ceritanya khayalan, sedangkan recount text adalah cerita nyata.

Kamu bisa baca lengkapnya di artikel Recount Text: Definisi, Struktur, Jenis-Jenis, dan Contohnya.


Perbedaan Narrative Text dengan Descriptive Text

Beberapa perbedaan narrative text dan descriptive text:

1. Bentuk penceritaan

Dalam teks naratif, cerita disajikan secara berurutan dari satu kejadian ke kejadian lain sehingga membentuk sebuah kisah yang terpadu. Sementara itu, teks deskripsi lebih berfokus pada penggambaran suatu objek secara detail.


2. Model penceritaan

Kalau kamu perhatikan, teks naratif selalu menceritakan tentang sebuah topik yang dilakukan oleh tokoh (pelaku) dengan berbagai karakter. Makanya, pada teks yang satu ini terdapat konflik atau kejadian sebab akibat. 

Nah, hal ini tentu berbeda dengan teks deksripsi yang cenderung lebih terstruktur dan detail dalam menjelaskan suatu hal.


3. Penggambaran sifat

Pada teks narasi, penulis akan menuliskan sebuah cerita yang lengkap dengan runtutan peristiwa. Karena bersifat fiktif, maka sifat-sifat yang akan muncul bisa jadi eksplisit atau implisit, tergantung bagaimana sudut pandang sang author.

Kalau teks deskripsi lebih cenderung mendeskripsikan sebuah objek dengan rinci, yang mana sudah jelas nanti di dalamnya akan memuat banyak kata sifat.


4. Tujuan teks

Selain untuk menghibur pembaca, tujuan lain dari teks naratif adalah supaya pembaca mendapatkan pengetahuan, manfaat, atau pelajaran yang baru.

Sementara itu, teks deskripsi lebih bertujuan agar pembaca dapat membayangkan dengan jelas mengenai objek yang digambarkan oleh penulis.

Baca Juga: Teks Deskripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris: Definisi, Struktur, dan Contoh


Persamaan Narrative Text dengan Descriptive Text

Persamaan narrative text dengan descriptive text adalah penyajiannya sama-sama melibatkan panca indera sehingga tampak seolah-olah pembaca mengalami sendiri peristiwa yang diceritakan dalam teks

In case descriptive text, artinya seolah-olah pembaca bisa melihat langsung objek yang diceritakan dalam teks.


Generic Structure of Narrative Text (Struktur Teks Naratif)


Struktur narrative text

Ada empat struktur teks naratif (generic structure of narrative text), yaitu:

1. Orientation

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, orientation berarti pengenalan. Jadi, pada paragraf awal narrative text biasanya berisi perkenalan tokoh dan latar yang terlibat dalam isi cerita. Dalam hal ini, latar bisa menjadi tempat kejadian serta waktu cerita.


2. Complication

Bagian ini akan mulai masuk pada paragraf yang menceritakan terkait awal mula masalah suatu peristiwa atau kejadian.

Karena bersifat kronologis, maka masalah yang muncul di awal akan berlanjut menjadi rentetan alur cerita panjang yang mengandung konflik, klimaks, serta anti klimaks.  Oh ya, untuk memudahkanmu, begini susunan dalam complication:

  • Problem, yaitu paragraf atau kalimat yang mulai menjurus pada masalah dari suatu cerita.
  • Conflict, lebih kompleks lagi, setelah ada masalah, maka cerita akan berlanjut pada konflik. Di bagian ini, audiens akan dibuat penasaran dengan apa yang terjadi antara satu tokoh dengan tokoh lainnya.
  • Climax, yaitu puncak konflik yang menjadi sorotan utama dalam narrative text.
  • Anti-climax, dalam bahasa Indonesia, bagian ini biasa disebut juga sebagai penurunan konflik. Jadi, konflik akan berkurang secara pelan.
  • Solution, sesuai dengan namanya yaitu solusi, maka paragraf dalam bagian solution akan menjelaskan tentang penyelesaian dari konflik yang sudah diceritakan sebelumnya.

Dalam hal ini, complication terbagi ke dalam tiga konflik, yaitu:

  • Natural conflict, konflik alam atau antar semesta.
  • Social conflict, konflik antar tokoh atau pelaku.
  • Psychological conflict, konflik pada batin atau diri sendiri.


3. Resolution

Resolution adalah akhir dari cerita atau kesimpulan dari cerita. Paragraf ini bisa menjadi penjelasan lanjutan dari solution.

Dalam bagian ini, penulis juga dapat menggambarkan apakah narrative text yang dibuat akan berakhir dengan sad ending atau happy ending.


4. Re-orientation

Sebetulnya struktur yang satu ini tidak wajib ada di narrative text. Namun, umumnya kalimat dalam paragraf ini akan menceritakan kondisi terakhir sang tokoh dalam cerita, atau bisa juga berisi tentang pelajaran dan pesan moral yang dapat diambil oleh pembaca untuk diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan nyata. 

Ada info penting buat kamu! Wait, guys. Sebelum kita lanjut ke pembahasan sebelumnya, yuk cobain fitur Placement Test dari English Academy. Di sana, kamu dapat mengerjakan beberapa soal untuk menguji level kemampuan bahasa Inggris saat ini. Gratis dan bersertifikat, loh!

[IDN] CTA Placement Test English Academy


Ciri-Ciri Narrative Text (Characteristics of Narrative Text)

Ada beberapa karakteristik dan ciri-ciri narrative text yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai acuan untuk membedakan jenis teks ini dengan teks yang lainnya. Ciri-cirinya yaitu:

  1. Umumnya narrative text menceritakan sebuah kisah yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu.
  2. Biasanya teks naratif adalah berupa cerita-cerita yang populer di kalangan masyarakat umum, seperti kisah The Mouse-deer and Crocodile, The Rabbit and Turtle, etc. Pasti kamu sudah tidak asing dengan kedua contoh teks naratif dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut, bukan?
  3. Narrative text tak jarang dibagi ke dalam beberapa sekuel, baik yang sederhana maupun kompleks. Artinya, ada beberapa teks naratif yang memang ceritanya dibuat secara bersambung atau berkelanjutan antara bagian satu dengan bagian lainnya.
  4. Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya, salah satu ciri paling mencolok dalam teks naratif adalah teks ini bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca. Selain itu, ada pun tujuan lainnya adalah berbagi pengalaman pada audiens.


Jenis-Jenis Narrative Text (Types of Narrative Text)

Jenis-jenis dari narrative text cukup banyak nih, guys. Namun, sepertinya kamu sudah cukup familiar. Pasalnya, ada beberapa jenis teks naratif yang sudah sering kita dengar sejak usia dini.

Jenis-jenis narrative text

Berikut ini jenis jenis narrative text:

1. Fairy tale

Singkatnya, fairytale adalah dongeng dengan genre cerita fantasi atau tidak nyata. Fairytale biasanya berbentuk cerita rakyat atau cerita anak-anak yang kisahnya diselimuti oleh keajaiban. Contohnya Snow White, Thumbelina, Timun Mas, dan Cinderella.


2. Folktale/Folklore

Hampir sama dengan fairytale, folktale atau folklore adalah cerita rakyat yang bersifat turun temurun. Selain itu, biasanya folktale ini menyebar dari mulut ke mulut, sehingga akan diceritakan secara turun menurun hingga menjadi bagian dari tradisi masyarakat. Salah satu contoh ceritanya adalah Malin Kundang.

Baca Juga: 15 Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris, Dari Sangkuriang Sampai Timun Mas!


3. Legend

Legend adalah cerita legenda yang berasal dari perpaduan antara fairy tale dengan folktale. Kalau kamu pernah membacanya, salah satu contoh dari cerita legend adalah The Legend of Surabaya.

Yap! Jadi, legenda adalah sebuah cerita rakyat yang banyak dianggap nyata oleh masyarakat karena ada kandungan heroik di dalamnya. Umumnya, legenda mengisahkan tentang bagaimana asal usul suatu tempat bisa terbentuk. Contoh lainnya adalah Story of Lake Toba.


4. Myth

Yap, ada pula jenis dari narrative text adalah myth atau mitos. Sebetulnya, jenis narrative text yang satu ini tidak berbeda jauh dengan folktale. Namun, bedanya adalah terkadang myth dapat kita temukan juga di kehidupan masa kini. Biasanya masyarakat menganggap bahwa cerita mitos benar-benar terjadi, contohnya cerita Aji Saka dan Dewata Cengkar.


5. Science fiction

Science fiction biasa disingkat sebagai Sci-Fi, adalah cerita yang berkisah mengenai fiksi ilmiah. Jenis teks ini biasanya berhubungan dengan konsep imajinatif dan masa depan menggunakan sains dan teknologi canggih.


6. Romance

Romance atau love story adalah narrative text yang berisi mengenai perjuangan cinta si tokoh utama. Contohnya Romeo and Juliet dan I’m One of Those Fool Man.


7. Horror stories

Narrative text selanjutnya adalah horror stories. Cerita horror adalah cerita yang berisi mengenai kisah-kisah seram seperti hantu dan makhluk-makhluk astral lainnya yang banyak digemari oleh masyarakat.


8. Fable

Pernah dengar cerita atau kisah-kisah yang tokoh utamanya adalah binatang? Nah, itu namanya narrative text jenis fabel. Biasanya teks ini banyak ditujukan untuk anak-anak sebagai pengantar tidur.

Baca contoh-contoh cerita fabel melalui artikel 15 Contoh Cerita Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris (Fable) dan Strukturnya.


9. History

Selain tujuh jenis di atas, sejarah juga merupakan salah satu contoh dari narrative text, loh. Seperti yang kita tahu, sejarah merupakan cerita tentang peristiwa dan yang terjadi di masa lalu lengkap dengan kronologis tempat, tokoh, dan waktu kejadiannya.


10. Slice of life

Iya, kalau dalam bahasa Indonesia, slice of life bisa diartikan sebagai “potongan kehidupan”. Tapi, pengertian sebenarnya tentang slice of life adalah teks yang berisi tentang kegiatan sehari-hari penulis atau tokoh imajinatif yang diciptakan oleh penulis. Salah satu contoh terkenal dari jenis teks yang satu ini adalah True Friends.


11. Personal experience

Jenis narrative text lainnya adalah personal experience atau pengalaman pribadi penulis. Dalam jenis teks yang satu ini, penulis dapat menuangkan apa yang telah dialami oleh dirinya ke dalam suatu cerita menarik yang dapat dinikmati oleh orang lain.

Baca Juga: 80 Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk SD, SMP, dan SMA, Plus Jawabannya


Unsur/Kaidah Kebahasaan Narrative Text

1. Simple Past Tense

Hayo, masih ingat apa itu simple past tense? Itu, loh, tenses yang digunakan untuk menceritakan masa lampau.

Nah, karena erat kaitannya dengan kisah atau cerita di masa lampau, maka tenses yang paling umum dipakai dalam narrative text adalah past tense dengan perubahan bentuk kata kerja menjadi Verb 2.


2. Action Verb

Kalau kamu sudah mengetahui semua jenis kata kerja (verb) dalam bahasa Inggris, pasti sudah familiar dengan action verb, kan?

Action verb adalah jenis kata kerja untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau kegiatan yang tampak dan bisa dilihat oleh orang lain. Action verbs umum digunakan dalam teks naratif untuk menceritakan kronologis kejadian dan aktivitas apa saja yang dilakukan oleh tokoh di dalam cerita.

Selanjutnya, dilansir dari Teach Starter, action verb adalah kata kerja untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang dapat dilakukan atau dilakukan oleh seseorang, hewan, objek, atau kekuatan alam, seperti dalam, “The water gurgled all the way down the sink.” (Air menggelegak sampai ke bak cuci). Contoh lain action verb yang menggunakan simple past tense adalah sent, killed, etc.


3. Saying and Thinking Verb

Selain menggunakan action verb, kata kerja lainnya yang sering muncul dalam teks naratif adalah saying and thinking verb. Saying verb adalah kata kerja untuk mengindikasikan tindakan speaking, contohnya tell, say, etc.

Sementara itu, thinking verb adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menginformasikan pada pembaca tentang apa yang dipikirkan oleh tokoh cerita mengenai suatu peristiwa dalam cerita. Contoh verb-nya adalah thought.


4. Conjunction of Time

Karena teks naratif adalah cerita yang berbentuk kronologis, maka kamu bisa menggunakan conjunction of time untuk menghubungkan alur dari setiap latar waktu yang berbeda, sederhananya untuk mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian.

Conjunction of time adalah kata hubung dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menunjukkan keterangan waktu. Contohnya adalah before, after, as soon as, until, till, dan masih banyak lagi.


5. Adjective 

Seperti yang kita tahu, adjective adalah kata sifat. Biasanya, dalam teks naratif, kata sifat ini berperan untuk menggambarkan atau menjelaskan karakteristik spesifik setiap tokoh yang disebutkan dalam cerita. Contoh, Aladdin is a poor man, atau Cinderella is a beautiful girl.


6. Noun

Selanjutnya, dalam teks naratif kita akan sering menemukan noun sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan, atau benda tertentu. Misal, ada teks naratif yang menceritakan tentang Ratu Elizabeth atau tentang Raja William.

Nah, dalam penulisan ceritanya, jika tokoh utama selalu ditulis dengan penyebutan nama asli, pasti akan membosankan, bukan? Jadi, di sinilah noun akan muncul. Misal, Ratu Elizabeth diganti dengan kata “The Queen”, kemudian Raja William diganti dengan “The King”.


Analisis Contoh Narrative Text dalam bahasa Inggris (Example of Narrative Text)

Agar kamu bisa menguasai teks ini dengan lebih mudah, yuk, simak cerita Sangkuriang dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini yang merupakan contoh dari teks naratif.

Sekaligus, kita sama-sama kerjakan latihan soal yang ada. Ada berbagai contoh lainnya juga! Let’s go!


1. Contoh Cerita Legend Bahasa Inggris (Cerita Sangkuriang dalam Bahasa Inggris)

Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi

Once upon a time, a happy family lived in a kingdom in Priangan Land. They were a father in the form of a dog, his name was Tumang, a mother who was called Dayang Sumbi, and a child who was called Sangkuriang. One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to hunt with his lovely dog, Tumang. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang became desperate and worried because he hunted no deer. Then he thought of shooting his dog. After that, he took the dog’s liver and carried it home.

Soon, Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer lever but Tumang’s dog. So, She was furious and hit Sangkuriang’s head. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded, and a scar was cast away from their home.

Years passed, and Sangkuriang traveled to many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful woman and fell in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, the woman looked at the wound on Sangkuriang’s head. It matched her son’s wound, who had left several years earlier. Soon she realized that she had fallen in love with her son.

She couldn’t marry him, but how to say it? Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and a boat to celebrate their wedding day. Sangkuriang had to make them one night before sunrise. He built a lake. With dawn just a moment away, the boat was almost complete. Dayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. It made the cock crowded for a new day.

Sangkuriang failed to marry her. He was outraged and then kicked the boat. It felt over and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.

Sumber: gatenglishnow.org


2. Analisis Struktur Teks (dalam bentuk latihan soal)

Once upon a time, a happy family lived in a kingdom in Priangan Land. They were a father in the form of a dog, his name was Tumang, a mother who was called Dayang Sumbi, and a child who was called Sangkuriang. Kalimat di atas termasuk ke dalam struktur bagian..

A. Resolution
B. Orientation
C. Re-orientation

Jawabannya adalah B, yaitu orientation, alias pengenalan. Artinya, teks naratif ini akan menceritakan sebuah kisah dengan latar tempat di Pulau Priangan dengan tokoh utama Sangkuriang dan Dayang Sumbi.

Oke, kita lanjut latihan ke-2 ya!

Di bawah ini adalah kalimat yang termasuk ke dalam complication bagian “problem“, yaitu..

A. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang became desperate and worried because he hunted no deer.
B. It felt over and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.
C. They were a father in the form of a dog, his name was Tumang, a mother who was called Dayang Sumbi, and a child who was called Sangkuriang.

Yap! Jawabannya adalah A, yaitu “After hunting all day, Sangkuriang became desperate and worried because he hunted no deer.Kalimat ini menunjukkan awal mula permasalahan muncul, yaitu ketika Sangkuriang putus asa karena sudah berburu seharian, tetapi tidak ada hasil yang Ia dapat.

Soon, Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer lever but Tumang’s dog. So, She was furious and hit Sangkuriang’s head. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded, and a scar was cast away from their home.

Years passed, and Sangkuriang traveled to many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful woman and fell in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, The woman looked at the wound on Sangkuriang’s head. It matched her son’s wound, who had left several years earlier. Soon she realized that she had fallen in love with her son.

She couldn’t marry him, but how to say it? Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and a boat to celebrate their wedding day. Sangkuriang had to make them one night before sunrise.


Dayang Sumbi had to stop it.

Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. It made the cock crowded for a new day.

Sangkuriang failed to marry her. He was outraged and then kicked the boat.

It felt over and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.


3. Analisis Kaidah Kebahasaan

1. Simple past tense


  • A happy family lived in a kingdom in Priangan Land
    (Terdapat lived yang merupakan verb 2 dari live.)
  • Sangkuriang became desperate and worried because he hunted no deer.
    (Became adalah verb 2 tipe irregular verb yang kata dasarnya adalah become. Kemudian ada regular verb yaitu worried yang merupakan verb 2 dari worry, lalu hunted adalah verb 2 dari hunt.)

2. Action verb

Contohnya adalah took, carried yang terdapat pada paragraf pertama.

3. Saying and thinking verb

Untuk saying verb seperti asked, lalu untuk thinking verb contohnya adalah though. Kedua contoh ini masih terletak di paragraf pertama.

4. Conjunction of time

Contohnya adalah after (paragraf 1) dan before (paragraf 4)

5. Adjective

Happy family (paragraf 1), beautiful woman (paragraf 3)

6. Noun

Priangan Land, Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang, Tumang, Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.


4. Metode Mengajar Narrative Text yang Menyenangkan

Kalau kamu ingin mengajarkan narrative text pada adik, keponakan, atau bahkan murid, jangan lupa untuk memilih cara yang fun ya! Salah satu caranya adalah dengan metode picture and picture. Begini langkahnya:

1. Tentukan salah satu topik atau genre teks naratif yang ingin dibuat.
2. Jika sudah, cari beberapa gambar yang relevan dengan topik pilihanmu.
3. Susun beberapa gambar tersebut agar saling berkesinambungan, pastikan susunan gambarnya bisa jadi sebuah cerita yang apik.
4. Tuangkan cerita berdasarkan ide dari gambar mengikuti struktur yang telah dipelajari.
5. Baca dan review kembali teks yang sudah ditulis.
6. Selesai!


Contoh Narrative Text dalam bahasa Inggris

1. Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

Once upon a time, in a small village in Indonesia, there lived two sisters named Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih. Bawang Merah was known for her wickedness and jealousy, while Bawang Putih was known for her kindness and beauty.

Their mother had passed away when they were young, and their father had remarried a cruel and wicked stepmother who favored Bawang Merah and treated Bawang Putih poorly.

One day, the stepmother asked Bawang Putih to go to the river and wash some clothes. Bawang Putih obediently did as she was told and went to the river. While she was washing the clothes, a magic fish appeared and asked her why she was crying. Bawang Putih told the fish about her troubles and how her stepmother treated her badly.

The magic fish gave her a magical flower and told her to keep it safe. Bawang Putih returned home and showed the flower to her sister, Bawang Merah. However, Bawang Merah became jealous and stole the flower, hoping to use it for her own benefit.

The next day, Bawang Merah went to the river to wash some clothes, and the magic fish appeared to her. But instead of asking why she was crying, the fish scolded her for her wickedness and told her that she would be punished for her actions.

The magic flower that Bawang Merah had stolen from her sister turned into a stone, and she was unable to remove it from her hand. She became known as “Bawang Merah Berbatu” or “Onion with a Stone,” while Bawang Putih’s kindness and beauty earned her the nickname “Bawang Putih Bersih” or “Clean Garlic.”

In the end, Bawang Putih married a kind and wealthy prince, while Bawang Merah was left alone to suffer the consequences of her actions. The story teaches the importance of kindness, honesty, and compassion, and the consequences of greed and jealousy.


2. Malin Kundang

Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman named Malin Kundang who lived in a small village on the coast of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Despite his humble origins, Malin Kundang had dreams of wealth and success, and he left his village to seek his fortune in the big city.

Years passed, and Malin Kundang became incredibly rich through his hard work and business acumen. He married a beautiful woman and had a son, but he never returned to his village or acknowledged his past.

One day, Malin Kundang’s ship was anchored near the coast of his hometown, and he saw an old woman waving at him from the shore. She was none other than his mother, who had been searching for him for many years. Malin Kundang was ashamed of his humble origins and refused to acknowledge her, instead ordering his crew to set sail and leave the shore.

As the ship sailed away, a storm suddenly appeared, and the ship was battered by huge waves. Malin Kundang tried to save himself, but he slipped and fell onto the deck, where he was struck by lightning and turned into a stone statue.


3. Roro Jonggrang

Long ago, in the land of Central Java, there lived a powerful king named Prabu Baka. He was a cruel and selfish ruler who cared only about his own desires and pleasures. One day, he decided to build a grand temple to showcase his wealth and power. He ordered his subjects to work day and night, using all of their strength to build the temple.

But the people were exhausted and could not continue their work. So, the king made a deal with a powerful demon named Bandung Bondowoso. He promised to give the demon the most beautiful woman in the land, Roro Jonggrang, in exchange for his help in completing the temple.

Bandung Bondowoso agreed to the deal and used his supernatural powers to complete the temple in a single night. But when the king refused to honor his end of the bargain and give him Roro Jonggrang, the demon became furious.

With his powers, Bandung Bondowoso turned Roro Jonggrang into a statue and placed her in the temple, where she became known as Durga, the goddess of destruction. When the king discovered what had happened, he was filled with regret and pleaded with the goddess to forgive him and bring Roro Jonggrang back to life.

Durga agreed to forgive the king, but she refused to release Roro Jonggrang from her statue form. Instead, she demanded that the king build a thousand temples in honor of the goddess and her worshippers. The king agreed and built the temples, one after another, until he reached the final temple.

At this temple, he was assisted by Roro Jonggrang’s spirit, who urged him to stop building before he could complete the thousandth temple. And so, to this day, the final temple remains incomplete, a symbol of the king’s greed and the power of the supernatural forces that can be unleashed by such greed.


4. Toba Lake

The Legend of Toba Lake tells the story of a young orphan farmer who lived in the northern part of Sumatra. Syahdan, the young man, earned his living from farming and fishing. One day while fishing, he caught a beautiful golden brown fish which transformed into a beautiful princess in his hands. This princess was cursed to turn into a creature if touched by a human, due to violating a prohibition. As a result of the young man touching her, she became a princess.

Mesmerized by her beauty, the young man proposed to her. She agreed, but with the condition that he must never reveal her origin as a fish. He agreed to this condition, and they got married and had a son. However, the son had a bad habit of always wanting more food and eating everything in sight.

One day, the son ate all the food that was supposed to be for his father, and in his anger, the young man revealed the secret of his wife’s origin. This broke his promise and caused his wife and son to disappear. From the land where they had stood, springs emerged, and the water from these springs continued to flow and grow larger, eventually becoming the vast Toba Lake that we know today.


Contoh Narrative Text Singkat dalam bahasa Inggris

1. Cinderella

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmother and stepsisters who treated her badly. One day, the prince held a grand ball, and Cinderella desperately wanted to attend. With the help of her fairy godmother, she got a beautiful dress and glass slippers to wear to the ball. At the ball, the prince fell in love with her, but Cinderella had to leave before midnight when the spell would be broken. The prince searched for Cinderella, and when he found her, they lived happily ever after.


2. King Arthur and Excalibur

King Arthur was a legendary king of Britain who ruled in the 5th or 6th century. He was known for his bravery and his knights of the Round Table. One of his most famous stories is about his sword, Excalibur, which he received from the Lady of the Lake. The sword was said to be magical and could only be wielded by the true king of Britain. With Excalibur, King Arthur was able to defeat his enemies and rule justly.


3. The Story of Prometheus

Prometheus was a god in Greek mythology who gave fire to humans, which angered the other gods. As punishment, he was chained to a rock and an eagle was sent to eat his liver every day. Prometheus was eventually freed by Hercules and became a symbol of human knowledge and enlightenment.


4. Snow White

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Snow White. She had a cruel stepmother who was jealous of her beauty and ordered a huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and kill her. However, the huntsman couldn’t bring himself to do it, and instead, he left Snow White in the forest. She eventually came across a cottage belonging to seven dwarfs who took her in. T

he wicked stepmother found out that Snow White was still alive and disguised herself as an old woman to give Snow White a poisoned apple. Snow White fell into a deep sleep, and the only way to wake her up was with true love’s kiss. A prince who had fallen in love with Snow White found her and kissed her, waking her up from her slumber.


5. The Story of Persephone

In Greek mythology, Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. She was kidnapped by Hades, the god of the underworld, and taken to the underworld. Demeter, who was the goddess of the harvest, was so grief-stricken by her daughter’s disappearance that she refused to let the crops grow, causing a famine.

Zeus eventually ordered Hades to release Persephone, but because she had eaten some pomegranate seeds while in the underworld, she had to return to Hades for a portion of each year, causing the seasons to change.


6. The Time Machine

In H.G. Wells’ novel “The Time Machine,” a scientist invents a machine that can travel through time. He travels far into the future and finds that humanity has evolved into two distinct races, the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are beautiful but weak, while the Morlocks are monstrous and live underground.

The scientist eventually returns to his own time, but the experience changes him forever. “The Time Machine” is a classic work of science fiction that explores the possibilities and dangers of time travel.


Contoh Narrative Text tentang Sejarah dalam bahasa Inggris

The American Revolution

The American Revolution was a time of great upheaval in the colonies, with many of the colonists feeling that they were being unfairly taxed and oppressed by the British government.

The revolution was sparked by events such as the Boston Tea Party and the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and it eventually led to the colonies winning their independence from Britain and forming the United States of America


Contoh Narrative Text tentang Mitos dalam bahasa Inggris

1. The Story of Icarus and Daedalus

In Greek mythology, Daedalus was a master craftsman who was imprisoned with his son Icarus on the island of Crete. Daedalus created wings made of feathers and wax to escape, warning his son not to fly too close to the sun.

However, Icarus was so enamored with the freedom of flight that he flew too close to the sun, causing his wings to melt, and he fell to his death.


2. The Story of Hercules

Hercules was a famous hero in Greek mythology, known for his strength and bravery. He was the son of the god Zeus and a mortal woman, making him half-god and half-human.

As a young man, Hercules was tricked by the goddess Hera, who despised him because he was the illegitimate son of her husband. Hera made Hercules go mad and he killed his own wife and children in a fit of rage.

Hercules was overcome with grief and regret for his actions. To make amends, he was given twelve impossible tasks, known as the Twelve Labors of Hercules. These included slaying the Nemean Lion, capturing the Erymanthian Boar, and cleaning the Augean Stables.

Hercules completed all the labors and became a legendary hero. He eventually found happiness and was allowed to live among the gods on Mount Olympus.


3. The Story of Athena and Arachne

In ancient Greece, there was a young woman named Arachne who was known for her exceptional weaving skills. She was so proud of her talent that she boasted that she was a better weaver than the goddess Athena.

Athena was outraged by this claim and challenged Arachne to a weaving contest. The two women each created a tapestry, and when the judging was complete, Athena’s tapestry was declared the winner.

Arachne was devastated by the loss and felt ashamed of her prideful behavior. In her despair, she tried to hang herself, but Athena took pity on her and turned her into a spider.

From that day on, Arachne spent her days spinning webs and creating intricate designs. She was a reminder of the dangers of pride and the importance of humility.


Contoh Narrative Text Romantis dalam bahasa Inggris

1. Romeo and Juliet

“Romeo and Juliet” is a tragic play by William Shakespeare about two young lovers from feuding families. Romeo and Juliet meet and fall in love at a masquerade ball, but their families’ hatred prevents them from being together.

They secretly marry but are separated when Romeo is banished from the city. Juliet fakes her death to avoid marrying another man, but Romeo believes she is really dead and takes his own life. When Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo dead beside her, she stabs herself. The tragic end of “Romeo and Juliet” is a powerful exploration of the themes of love, family, and fate.

contoh narrative text romantis


2. The Love Story of Sarah and John

Sarah and John met in college and fell in love. They were both passionate about art and spent many hours painting together.

After they graduated, John moved to New York to pursue his dream of becoming a professional artist. Sarah stayed behind in their hometown, working as a teacher.

Despite the distance, Sarah and John remained in love. They would send each other letters and paintings, and made plans to reunite.

Finally, after years apart, John returned to their hometown. He had become a successful artist and wanted to marry Sarah. She said yes, and they had a beautiful wedding.

They spent the rest of their lives together, making art and enjoying each other’s company. Their love inspired others and became the subject of many paintings and poems.


Contoh Narrative Text tentang Fairy Tale dalam bahasa Inggris

Story About Rapunzel

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a couple who longed for a child. After many years of trying, the wife finally became pregnant. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who they named Rapunzel. However, the wife fell ill and needed a special kind of herb to heal her. The husband decided to steal the herb from the garden of the wicked witch who lived next door.

The witch caught him in the act and made a deal with him. She would let him take the herb if he gave her the baby when it was born. The husband agreed, and when Rapunzel was born, the witch took her away and locked her in a tall tower with no doors, only a window at the top.

As Rapunzel grew up, the witch would visit her every day and call out, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” Rapunzel had long, beautiful hair, and the witch would climb up it to see her.

One day, a prince was riding through the forest and heard Rapunzel singing. He followed the sound and found the tower. He called out, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” Rapunzel did as she was told, and the prince climbed up to see her.

They fell in love, and the prince visited Rapunzel every day. One day, the witch found out and was furious. She cut off Rapunzel’s hair and banished her to a far-off land.

The prince was heartbroken and wandered the forest for years, searching for Rapunzel. One day, he heard her singing again and followed the sound to where she was living with their twin children. They were reunited, and the witch was never seen again.


Contoh Narrative Text tentang Horror dalam bahasa Inggris

1. The Haunted House

There was an old, abandoned house on the outskirts of town that was said to be haunted. People who entered the house never returned, and strange noises and voices could be heard coming from inside.

One day, a group of teenagers decided to explore the house. They found an old diary that revealed the history of the house. It belonged to a family who had been murdered by a deranged relative who had been living in the house.

As they were exploring, they began to hear strange noises and saw ghostly apparitions. They tried to leave, but the doors and windows were all locked. They were trapped inside the haunted house with no way out.

As the night wore on, they became more and more terrified. The ghosts of the murdered family began to appear, and the teenagers were forced to relive their brutal deaths. In the morning, the house was found empty, with no sign of the teenagers. It is said that they are still trapped inside the haunted house to this day.


2. The Abandoned Hospital

In a small town, there was an old hospital that had been abandoned for many years. It was said that strange things happened there at night, and that the ghosts of former patients haunted the halls.

One night, a group of teenagers decided to explore the hospital. They snuck in through a broken window and began to wander through the dark, creepy halls.

As they walked, they heard strange noises and saw shadows moving in the corners of their eyes. Suddenly, they heard a loud scream and saw a ghostly figure running towards them.

Terrified, the teenagers ran for their lives. They managed to escape the hospital, but they never forgot the terror they had experienced that night.

From that day on, the hospital became known as the scariest place in town. Many people claimed to have seen ghosts and heard strange noises coming from the abandoned building.


Contoh Narrative Text tentang Fable dalam bahasa Inggris

The Tortoise and the Hare

In a far-off forest, a hare was known for his speed and arrogance. He would constantly brag about how fast he was and how he could outrun anyone. One day, a tortoise challenged him to a race.

The hare laughed and accepted the challenge, thinking it would be an easy win. As the race began, the hare ran ahead of the tortoise and quickly grew tired. He decided to take a nap, thinking that he had plenty of time to catch up to the slow-moving tortoise.

Meanwhile, the tortoise kept moving steadily towards the finish line. When the hare finally woke up and started running again, it was too late. The tortoise had already won the race.

The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race.


Contoh Narrative Text tentang Sci-Fi dalam bahasa Inggris

The Time Traveler’s Dilemma

In the year 2099, time travel had become a reality. A brilliant scientist named Dr. Johnson had created a time machine that could take people to any point in history.

One day, a man named Tom was given the opportunity to test the time machine. He chose to travel back to the year 1960, where he met a young woman named Sarah. Tom fell in love with Sarah and decided to stay in the past with her.

However, when Tom returned to the present, he discovered that his actions had changed the course of history. Sarah never married and had children, which meant that Tom’s own children were never born.

Tom was faced with a difficult decision. Should he stay in the past with Sarah and sacrifice his future, or should he return to the present and try to fix the timeline?


Contoh Narrative Text tentang Slice of Life dalam bahasa Inggris

1. A Day in the Life of a Baker

Meet Sarah, a baker who wakes up early every day to bake fresh bread for her customers. She starts by mixing the dough and kneading it until it’s just right.

Next, she shapes the dough and puts it in the oven to bake. The smell of fresh bread fills the bakery and makes everyone’s mouth water.

As the day goes on, Sarah takes orders for cakes, pastries, and other baked goods. She spends the afternoon decorating cakes and making sure everything is just perfect.

At the end of the day, Sarah closes the bakery and goes home, tired but happy. She loves making people happy with her delicious treats and can’t wait to do it all again tomorrow.


2. A Day in the Park

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and I decided to spend the day at the park. As I strolled through the park, I saw families playing with their children, couples walking hand in hand, and people of all ages enjoying the fresh air.

I found a nice spot to sit and brought out a book to read. As I read, I couldn’t help but notice the sounds and smells around me. The chirping of the birds, the rustling of the leaves, and the scent of freshly cut grass all filled my senses.

After a while, I put down my book and decided to take a walk. I passed by a group of children playing soccer and stopped to watch for a while. Their energy and enthusiasm were contagious, and I found myself cheering them on.

As I continued my walk, I saw an old man sitting on a bench, watching the world go by. I stopped to chat with him, and he told me stories about his life and his experiences in the park over the years.

As the day turned to evening, I sat on the grass and watched the sun set behind the trees. It was a simple and peaceful day, but it was filled with moments that I would always treasure.


Contoh Narrative Text tentang Legend dalam bahasa Inggris

1. The Legend of Banyuwangi

In the east of Java, there is a legend of Banyuwangi, a kingdom that was once ruled by a just and kind king. The king had a beautiful daughter named Dewi Kilisuci, who was promised in marriage to the demon king Raja Singa.

The king refused to marry his daughter off to a demon, and the demon king declared war on Banyuwangi. The battle lasted for seven days and seven nights, and Banyuwangi was eventually destroyed. However, before the kingdom was destroyed, Dewi Kilisuci took her own life to prevent herself from being taken by the demon king.


2. The Legend of Robin Hood

In medieval England, there was a legendary hero named Robin Hood. He was known for his bravery and skill with a bow and arrow, and for robbing from the rich to give to the poor.

Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest with his band of merry men. They would ambush wealthy travelers and steal their gold, which they would then distribute  to the poor.

Robin Hood’s fame grew, and many people in England began to see him as a hero. However, the authorities saw him as a criminal and put a bounty on his head.

Despite the danger, Robin Hood continued to help the poor and fight against injustice. He became a symbol of hope and inspiration for the common people of England.

Legend has it that Robin Hood was eventually captured and executed, but his legacy lived on. To this day, he is remembered as a champion of the poor and a symbol of resistance against tyranny.

Wah, meskipun pembahasan terkait teks naratif lumayan banyak, tapi kamu sudah berhasil untuk mencoba memahaminya sampai akhir, terima kasih ya!

Nah, setelah membaca keseluruhan pembahasan di atas, dapat kita simpulkan kalau narrative text adalah teks bersifat fiktif yang berfungsi untuk entertaining alias menghibur. Kalau kamu senang menulis karangan, jangan lupa untuk abadikan dalam sebuah karya ya!

Biar proses menulis dalam bahasa Inggris-mu semakin lancar, jangan lupa untuk tingkatkan skill writing dengan belajar bersama Master Teacher di kelas English Academy. Kelasnya interaktif dengan kurikulum berstandar internasional, loh.

Selain itu, kalau kamu tidak memahami suatu materi, terdapat fitur English Clinic atau sesi one-on-one untuk berkonsultasi dengan lebih eksklusif bersama teacher. Penasaran? Coba kelas gratisnya, yuk!

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Gate English Now. 10 Examples of Narrative Text in the Legend with Generic Structure Analysis. Available at https://www.getenglishnow.org/2020/08/10-examples-of-narrative-text-in-legend.html. [Accessed 18 April 2022]

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