15 Cerpen Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Struktur dan Ciri-Cirinya

EA - Cerpen bahasa Inggris-01

Cerpen dalam bahasa Inggris disebut short story. Contoh cerpen adalah “Kemarau” karya Andrea Hirata. Kenapa disebut cerpen? Karena biasanya cerpen kurang dari 10.000 kata. Yuk, baca contoh cerpen versi bahasa Inggris di artikel ini!

On an island called Jeju, lived a girl named Elizabeth. She is one of the born beautiful and charming girls. Elizabeth was 16 years old when she was forced by her mother to marry a foreign noble.

Hai guys, kalimat di atas adalah contoh dari pengenalan dalam sebuah cerpen. Nah, kamu butuh sesuatu yang menghibur di waktu luang? Coba yuk, lakukan salah satu aktivitas yang satu ini. Exactly, yaitu membaca contoh cerpen bahasa Inggris.

Ingat nggak? Di artikel Cara Belajar Bahasa Inggris Otodidak, Ini 11 Tips Mudah dan Cepat! English Academy menyebutkan bahwa salah satu aktivitas yang bisa bikin kamu tambah mahir berbahasa Inggris adalah dengan membaca cerita fiksi.  Cerpen juga bisa kamu jadikan sebagai media untuk belajar story telling bahasa Inggrisloh.

Anyway, cerpen sudah pasti berbeda dengan novel ya, guys. “Emang gimana sih bedanya? Terus, cara menulis atau membuat cerpen itu seperti apa?” Tenang, kamu bisa baca penjelasan lengkapnya di artikel ini. Yok, belajar bareng-bareng!


Apa Itu Cerpen? (Short Story)

Cerpen dalam bahasa Inggris disebut short story. Cerpen merupakan karya sastra prosa bersifat fiksi hasil imajinasi penulis yang lebih pendek dari novel dengan peristiwa jelas dan ringkas. Karena lebih singkat, short story umumnya hanya diisi oleh beberapa tokoh.

Menurut KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia), cerpen adalah kisah pendek yang memberikan kesan tunggal dominan dan memusatkan diri pada satu tokoh dalam satu situasi.

Kenapa disebut cerpen? Karena jumlah minimal kata dalam cerpen umumnya mulai dari 500 atau 1000 sampai 10.000 kata. Waktu membaca cerpen bisa habis dalam sekali duduk dengan durasi sekitar 30 menit sampai 2 jam. 

Pada short story, penulis atau author akan lebih fokus terhadap cara pembuatan efek atau suasana hati yang dirasakan pembaca dibandingkan dengan urutan peristiwa (plot).

Ingin meningkatkan skill dalam writing bahasa Inggris? Kamu bisa mewujudkannya bersama English Academy by Ruangguru! Melalui kurikulum Cambridge dan pengajar lokal serta internasional, kemampuan-mu dapat berkembang dengan semakin cepat, loh. Mau coba? Konsultasi gratis, sekarang!

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Apa Saja Ciri-Ciri Cerpen? (Characteristics of Short Story)

Apa saja sih ciri-ciri cerpen? Berikut ini merupakan ciri yang bisa menjadi syarat agar ceritamu layak disebut sebagai cerpen:

1. Karakter atau tokoh diungkapkan dalam cerita yang dramatis, tapi jarang dikembangkan dengan sepenuhnya.

2. Mengandung narasi yang singkat serta kata-kata yang mudah dipahami oleh pembaca.

3. Hanya terdapat satu peristiwa atau suatu kejadian dalam sebuah cerpen.

4. Kisah yang ditulis dalam cerpen umumnya diadopsi dari kehidupan sehari-hari, atau sangat dekat dengan cerita yang awam terjadi di dunia nyata, tetapi alur dan tokohnya dibuat-buat oleh penulis. 

5. Umumnya cerpen ditulis sebanyak 4-15 halaman. Tapi, cerpen yang memiliki 10.000 kata biasanya dimuat dalam 33 halaman untuk kertas ukuran A4.

6. Dalam cerpen ada paragraf-paragraf panjang yang terkenal dengan gaya penulisan ringan dan mudah dicerna oleh pembaca. 

7. Apakah ada cerpen dalam dialog? Benar, terdapat dialog dalam sebuah cerpen untuk membuat cerita menjadi lebih hidup. Dialog dapat membawa masuk pembaca ke dalam cerita untuk memahami setiap karakter tokoh.

Baca Juga: 15 Contoh Cerita Fabel Singkat Bahasa Inggris (Fable) dan Strukturnya


Apakah Cerpen Bahasa Inggris/Short Story sama dengan Narrative Text?

Hmm, actually kalau melihat dari beberapa sumber, ada yang mengatakan kalau cerpen bahasa Inggris sama dengan narrative text yang sudah kita kupas tuntas di artikel Narrative Text: Definisi, Struktur, dan Contohnya. Tapi, coba kamu perhatikan lagi, ada beberapa hal yang membedakan antara short story dengan narrative text, di antaranya:

1. Narrative text lebih fokus terhadap kronologi sebuah peristiwa atau kejadian, sedangkan short story lebih mementingkan terhadap efek yang akan disampaikan pada pembaca.

2. Tidak seperti cerpen, narrative text umumnya tidak dibatasi jumlah kata dalam proses penulisan, sehingga ia bisa saja berjumlah lebih dari 10.000 kata.

3. Short story atau cerpen hanya berpusat pada satu tokoh dalam satu kejadian, berbeda dengan narrative text yang tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk fokus pada lebih dari satu tokoh atau satu peristiwa.


Apa Perbedaan Novel dan Cerpen? 

Apakah novel termasuk cerpen? Tentu bukan, cerpen dan novel adalah dua karya prosa yang berbeda. Perbedaan utama antara novel dan cerpen adalah jumlah katanya. Cerita pendek umumnya berkisar antara 500 hingga 10.000, sedangkan novel biasanya berjumlah sampai 35.000 kata atu bahkan lebih.

Selain itu, berikut perbedaan lain dari novel dan cerpen:

1. Sitting and Effect

Cerpen bisa dibaca habis sekali duduk untuk menciptakan efek tunggal, berbeda dengan novel yang butuh lebih dari satu hari untuk menyelesaikannya.

2. Plot

Hanya terdapat satu alur dasar dalam cerpen, sedangkan dalam novel terdapat subplot dan plot utama yang kompleks.

3. Characterization 

Cerita yang tertuang pada cerpen fokus pada satu, dua, atau tiga karakter saja. Sementara itu, novel berfokus pada lebih banyak karakter.

4. Time periode

Periode waktu dalam cerita pendek cukup singkat, sedangkan time periode pada novel sangat panjang.


Contoh Tema Cerpen Apa Saja?

Ini beberapa contoh tema cerpen dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu tulis:

1. Love and Heartbreak (Cinta dan Patah Hati)

2. Friendship and Betrayal (Persahabatan dan Pengkhianatan)

3. Overcoming Adversity (Mengatasi Rintangan)

4. Loss and Grief (Kehilangan dan Duka)

5. Coming of Age (Masa Muda)

6. Family and Relationships (Keluarga dan Hubungan)

7. The Power of Dreams (Keajaiban Mimpi)

8. Identity and Self-Discovery (Identitas dan Penemuan Diri)

9. Betrayal and Revenge (Pengkhianatan dan Balas Dendam)

10. Second Chances (Kesempatan Kedua)

11. Mystery and Suspense (Misteri dan Ketegangan)

12. Adventure and Exploration (Petualangan dan Penjelajahan)

13. Humor and Satire (Humor dan Satire)

14. Science Fiction and Fantasy (Fiksi Ilmiah dan Fantasi)

15. Historical Fiction (Fiksi Sejarah)


Apa Saja Judul Cerpen yang Menarik?

Berikut ini contoh judul cerpen bahasa Inggris beserta pencipta karyanya:

1. “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe

2. “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

3. “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

4. “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

5. “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway

6. “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe

7. “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” by Ernest Hemingway

8. “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber

9. “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry

10. “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell.

Semua cerpen ini di atas diakui sebagai karya sastra terkenal dan menarik karena memiliki plot yang unik, karakter yang menarik, gaya penulisan yang khas, serta pesan moral yang mendalam.

Baca Juga: 15 Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris, Dari Sangkuriang Sampai Timun Mas!


Apa Ciri Kebahasaan Teks Cerpen Bahasa Inggris?

1. Banyak menggunakan kalimat berbentuk past tense

Salah satu ciri kebahasaan cerpen adalah penggunaan kalimat lampau yang ditandai dengan adverb of time seperti “had happened,” “at that time,” dan “several years ago.”

Baca Juga: Adverb (Kata Keterangan) dan Jenis-jenisnya dalam Bahasa Inggris


2. Terdapat chronological conjunctions untuk menyatakan urutan waktu kejadian

Conjunction adalah kata hubung untuk menyambungkan satu kata dengan kata lain, frasa dengan frasa lain, atau kalimat dengan kalimat lain. Dalam cerpen bahasa Inggris, urutan waktu kejadian biasanya dihubungkan dengan chronogical conjunction seperti “firstly,” “previously,” “then,” dan “since then.”

Baca Juga: Conjunction: Konjungsi Bahasa Inggris


3. Memakai verb untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian dalam cerita

Untuk menceritakan sebuah kejadian, tentu jenis part of speech yang akan dipakai adalah verb alias kata kerja, contoh verb yaitu “healed,” “avoided,” “cried,” “ordered.”

Kamu bisa baca penjelasan lengkap mengenai verb dalam artikel 11 Tipe Kata Kerja Bahasa Inggris (Verb) Beserta Contohnya


4. Penggunaan indirect speech (kalimat tak langsung) untuk menyampaikan perkataan karakter dari narator

Dalam cerpen, secara garis besar terdapat kalimat tak langsung yang disampaikan oleh orang ke-3 untuk mengekpresikan perkataan setiap tokoh. Indirect speech ini umumnya ditandai dengan kata “told about,” “narrated,” “revealed,” dan “stated that.”

Baca Juga: Reported Speech: Kalimat Langsung Tidak Langsung Bahasa Inggris


5. Banyak memasukkan verb untuk mengekspresikan emosi

Seperti yang kita tahu, terdapat 11 jenis verbs dalam bahasa Inggris. Salah satu jenis kata kerja yang sering digunakan dalam cerpen adalah stative verb untuk menyatakan pendapat, keyakinan, dan juga emosi. Misalnya “wanted” dan “hoped“.


6. Memuat dialog antar tokoh/karakter

Dialog dalam cerpen bahasa Inggris cukup penting agar cerita jadi lebih hidup. Kalimat bentuk dialog ditandai dengan quotation marks (“…”) or atau kata kerja yang mengindikasikan direct speech (kalimat langsung),  seperti “asked” atau “replied.”

Yuk, belajar lebih lanjut tentang tanda baca dalam bahasa Inggrid di artikel Punctuation (Tanda Baca Bahasa Inggris) Beserta Arti dan Contohnya.


7. Menggunakan adjective untuk menggambarkan tokoh, latar, atau suasana

Adjective adalah kata-kata sifat untuk memberi keterangan tambahan dari noun. Tentunya adjective dalam cerpen berfungsi sebagai penggambaran karakter, latar tempat atau waktu, dan juga suasana di setiap kejadian. Contoh adjective seperti happy, ugly, beautiful, dan sad.


Jenis Cerpen 

Nah, sekarang kita akan belajar apa saja, sih, jenis-jenis cerpen yang ada? Kalau berdasarkan jumlah kata, short story terbagi menjadi 3 jenis, lihat di bawah ini:

Jenis jenis cerpen

1. Cerpen mini (flash), cerpen dengan jumlah kata antara 750-1.000.
2. Cerpen ideal, adalah short story yang jumlah katanya antara 3.000-4000.
3. Cerpen panjang, yaitu cerpen yang mencapai 10.000 kata.


Fungsi/Tujuan Cerpen Bahasa Inggris (Function of Short Story)

Melansir dari kibin.com, the main purpose of a short story is to enable the reader to picture in their mind the images which the writer ‘paints’. Consequently, more demands are made on the reader.

Artinya, fungsi utama dari cerpen bahasa Inggris adalah untuk memberikan gambaran kepada pembaca tentang sebuah cerita yang pengarang tuangkan. Sebetulnya, sih, tujuan utamanya tak lain dan tak bukan pasti untuk menghibur pembaca.

Namun, kamu juga bisa lihat beberapa fungsi lain dari cerpen bahasa Indonesia yang ada di artikel Mengupas Cerpen: Ciri, Fungsi, Struktur, Contoh, dan Analisis ya!


Struktur Cerpen Terdiri dari Apa Saja? (Structure of Short Story)

Struktur cerpen terdiri dari abstrak, orientasi, komplikasi, evaluasi, resolusi, dan koda. Sebetulnya cerpen dalam bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa Indonesia memiliki struktur yang sama. Namun, penyebutan struktur cerpen bahasa Inggris adalah exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, dan denouement.

struktur cerpen

1. Abstrak

Apakah cerpen harus ada prolog? Abstrak adalah paragraf singkat yang menggambarkan keseluruhan isi dari cerpen. Tentunya bagian ini terletak pada awal cerpen. Tetapi, kabar baiknya abstrak bersifat opsional, alias kamu tidak wajib untuk menuliskannya.


2. Orientasi

Sudah tidak asing dengan istilah ini, kan? Yap, orientasi adalah pengenalan. Pada paragraf ini, penulis akan mengenalkan tokoh/karakter, latar seperti tempat, waktu, atau suasana yang akan dikembangkan dalam inti cerpen.


3. Komplikasi

Bagian ini biasa dikenal juga dengan puncak konflik, atau orang banyak mengenalnya juga dengan istilah klimaks. Dalam komplikasi, penulis akan menceritakan dengan detail puncak masalah yang dialami oleh sang tokoh utama. Sebagai catatan, biasanya konflik ini tentu tidak dikehendaki oleh si tokoh (kejadiannya tak terkira).

Nah, pembaca akan dibuat penasaran dengan kelanjutan dari komplikasi. Maka dari itu, cerita akan lanjut pada bagian evaluasi.


4. Evaluasi

Dalam evaluasi, tentu konflik atau klimaks akan mulai diarahkan pada penyelesaiannya. Bagian ini tak jarang ditandai dengan adanya komentar dari pengarang atas puncak konflik yang sebelumnya terjadi.

Anyway, komentar tersebut dapat disampaikan langsung oleh pengarang, atau bisa juga diwakili oleh tokoh yang memang sebelumnya sudah muncul pada cerpen.


5. Resolusi

Nah, akhirnya kita sampai di bagian tahap akhir penyelesaian cerita, yaitu resolusi. Pada bagian ini, segala konflik, ketegangan, dan juga masalah sudah mulai surut. Pun, pembaca bisa mendapatkan gambaran terkait ending yang akan diceritakan oleh penulis.


6. Koda

Koda adalah bagian akhir dari keseluruhan isi cerita. Untuk memberitahukan pada pembaca, pengarang akan menambahkan komentar akhir terkait konflik yang dialami tokoh, serta kalimat yang menunjukkan ending dari cerpen itu sendiri.

Oh ya, jika ada, pengarang juga dapat memberi nilai kehidupan atau pelajaran yang mungkin akan bermanfaat untuk pembaca.

Jadi, exposition sama dengan orientation, kemudian rising action dan climax tergabung menjadi komplikasi, falling action adalah resolusi, and last, denouement adalah gabungan dari resolusi dan koda.


Contoh Short Story (Contoh Cerpen Bahasa Inggris)

Di bawah ini, ada salah satu contoh short story, guys. Kita coba analisa bersama-sama, yuk!

The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears
by Robert Southey


Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in. At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl.

“This porridge is too hot!” she exclaimed.

So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl.

“This porridge is too cold,” she said.

So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.

“Ahhh, this porridge is just right,” she said happily and she ate it all up.

After she’d eaten the three bears’ breakfasts, she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest.

“This chair is too big!” she exclaimed.

So she sat in the second chair.

“This chair is too big, too!” she whined.

So she tried the last and smallest chair.

“Ahhh, this chair is just right,” she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!

Goldilocks was very tired by this time, she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.

As she was sleeping, the three bears came home.

“Someone’s been eating my porridge,” growled the Papa bear.

“Someone’s been eating my porridge,” said the Mama bear.

“Someone’s been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!” cried the Baby bear.

“Someone’s been sitting in my chair,” growled the Papa bear.

“Someone’s been sitting in my chair,” said the Mama bear.

“Someone’s been sitting in my chair and they’ve broken it to pieces,” cried the Baby bear. 

They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled,

“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.”

“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed, too” said the Mama bear.

“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed and she’s still there!” exclaimed the Baby bear.

Just then, Goldilocks woke up. She saw the three bears. She screamed, “Help!” And she jumped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. She never returned to the home of the three bears.

Adopted from www.dltk-teach.com


Analisis Cerpen (Short Story)

1. Exposition

As we know,  exposition dapat memberikan bayangan sekilas pada pembaca tentang siapa dan seperti apa tokoh utama sebelum konflik terjadi, serta setting atau latar yang akan muncul dalam cerpen. Pada cerita di atas ditunjukkan dengan paragraf berikut:

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in.

(Alkisah, ada seorang gadis kecil bernama Goldilocks. Dia pergi berjalan-jalan di hutan. Tak lama kemudian, dia sampai di sebuah rumah. Dia mengetuk dan, ketika tidak ada yang menjawab, dia langsung masuk.)

Dari potongan paragraf di atas, kita tahu bahwa tokoh utamanya adalah Goldilocks, latarnya di sebuah rumah tengah hutan, dan penokohan Goldilocks adalah gadis yang “sembarangan” karena dia main masuk saja ke rumah orang lain.


2. Rising action

Pada bagian rising action, tokoh utama akan mulai keluar dari zona nyaman, lalu perlahan siap-siap menuju puncak konflik. Berikut paragrafnya:

“This porridge is too hot!” she exclaimed.

So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl.

“This porridge is too cold,” she said.

So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.

“Ahhh, this porridge is just right,” she said happily and she ate it all up.

After she’d eaten the three bears’ breakfasts, she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest.

“This chair is too big!” she exclaimed.

So she sat in the second chair.

“This chair is too big, too!” she whined.

So she tried the last and smallest chair.

“Ahhh, this chair is just right,” she sighed. But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!


3. Climax

Dalam klimaks, karakter si tokoh utama akan diuji. Berikut bagian kalimat yang mulai masuk ke bagian climax:

Goldilocks was very tired by this time, she went upstairs to the bedroom. She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.

As she was sleeping, the three bears came home.

“Someone’s been eating my porridge,” growled the Papa bear.
“Someone’s been eating my porridge,” said the Mama bear.
“Someone’s been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!” cried the Baby bear.
“Someone’s been sitting in my chair,” growled the Papa bear.
“Someone’s been sitting in my chair,” said the Mama bear.
“Someone’s been sitting in my chair and they’ve broken it to pieces,” cried the Baby bear. 

They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled,

“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.”
“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed, too” said the Mama bear.
“Someone’s been sleeping in my bed and she’s still there!” exclaimed the Baby bear.


4. Falling Action

Pada bagian ini, umumnya pengarang menceritakan bahwa si tokoh utama harus menghentikan hal yang menjadi konflik. Ini paragrafnya:

Just then, Goldilocks woke up. She saw the three bears. She screamed, “Help!” And she jumped up and ran out of the room.


5. Denouement

Akhirnya kita tiba di akhir cerita, pengarang menuntaskan cerpen di atas dengan kalimat sebagai berikut:

Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. She never returned to the home of the three bears.

Sebagai pembaca, tentu kamu juga bisa mengambil pelajaran dari cerpen di atas, kan? Yap, nilai moralnya adalah, jangan sembarangan mengambil atau memakan sesuatu yang bukan milik kita. Siapa tahu, barang atau makanan tersebut ternyata berbahaya dan malah mengantarkan kita pada keadaan yang buruk.


Contoh Cerpen Bahasa Inggris Lainnya

2. The Lost Wallet

It was just another busy day at the mall for Jason. He was running errands and picking up some last-minute gifts for his friends and family. As he was walking towards the parking lot, he spotted a wallet lying on the ground. He picked it up and opened it, hoping to find some identification to return it to its owner. He found a driver’s license with the name “Anna Johnson” on it and some cash.

Jason thought for a moment and decided to try and find Anna to return her wallet. He asked around the mall, but no one seemed to know her. Finally, he found a phone number on a piece of paper in the wallet and called it.

“Hello?” A woman answered the phone.

“Hi, is this Anna Johnson?” Jason asked.

“Yes, it is. Who is this?” Anna replied.

“My name is Jason, and I found your wallet at the mall. I wanted to return it to you,” Jason said.

“Oh my god, thank you so much! I had no idea where it was. Can we meet somewhere so you can give it back to me?” Anna asked.

“Sure, how about we meet at the food court in 30 minutes?” Jason suggested.

“That works for me. Thank you again, Jason,” Anna said.

Thirty minutes later, Jason arrived at the food court and spotted Anna waiting at a table. He approached her and said, “Hi Anna, I’m Jason. Here’s your wallet.”

Anna was overjoyed and relieved. “Thank you so much, Jason. I was so worried about losing it.”

“No problem, I’m just happy to have helped. I know how it feels to lose something important,” Jason replied.

As they sat down together, Anna realized that Jason seemed like a nice guy. “So, Jason, do you want to grab some lunch or something? I mean, you did go out of your way to return my wallet,” Anna said.

“Sure, I don’t see why not,” Jason replied with a smile.

As they chatted over lunch, Jason and Anna realized they had a lot in common. They were both huge fans of hiking and travelling, and they even shared the same favorite movie.

After lunch, they exchanged phone numbers and decided to keep in touch. Over the next few weeks, they went on several hikes and explored the city together. Jason felt like he had made a new friend, and Anna felt the same way.

One day, Anna received a call from Jason. “Hey, Anna, I know this might sound weird, but I lost my wallet at the park today. I was wondering if you could help me look for it?” Jason said.

“Of course! I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” Anna replied.

When she arrived at the park, Anna spotted Jason searching through the grass. “Did you check all the pockets in your bag?” Anna asked.

“Yeah, I did, but I still can’t find it,” Jason replied.

Anna thought for a moment and remembered something. “Wait, I think I saw something on the bench over there. Let me go check,” she said.

Anna walked over to the bench and sure enough, she found Jason’s wallet lying there. She picked it up and ran back to Jason. “Here you go, Jason. I found it!” Anna exclaimed.

Jason was overjoyed and relieved. “Thank you so much, Anna. You’re a lifesaver,” he said.

As they walked back to their cars, Jason realized that sometimes, the simple act of returning a lost item could lead to a new friendship. He knew that he had made a new friend for life in Anna, and he was grateful for that lost wallet that brought them together.


3. Jeffry’s New Job

Jeffry had been searching for a job for months, and he was starting to lose hope. But finally, he got a call from a company offering him a position as a junior software developer. He was thrilled and couldn’t wait to start his new job.

On his first day, Jeffry arrived at the office early, dressed in his best suit, and carrying a notepad and pen. He was greeted by the receptionist who showed him around the office and introduced him to his team. Jeffry felt welcomed and excited to begin his new job.

As he settled into his desk, Jeffry started to read the notes and materials that had been left for him. He was excited to learn more about the company and the project he was working on. Suddenly, his phone rang, and he picked it up.

“Hello, Jeffry speaking,” he answered.

“Hi, Jeffry. This is Alex, your manager. Welcome to the team. I hope you’re settling in well,” Alex said.

“Thank you, Alex. I’m really excited to be here and looking forward to contributing to the project,” Jeffry replied.

“That’s great to hear. I wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. Do you have any questions or concerns?” Alex asked.

Jeffry thought for a moment and said, “Actually, I do have a question. I noticed that the project timeline is quite tight. Is there anything I can do to help speed things up?”

Alex laughed and said, “That’s a great attitude, Jeffry. I’m glad you’re already thinking about how you can contribute. Let’s schedule a meeting later this week to discuss some ideas.”

Over the next few weeks, Jeffry worked hard to learn the ropes of his new job. He spent long hours in the office, often staying late to work on projects. His hard work and dedication didn’t go unnoticed, and soon, he was given more responsibility on the project.

One day, Jeffry was approached by his coworker, Sarah. “Hey, Jeffry. I just wanted to say that you’re doing a great job. You’ve really impressed the team with your work ethic and skills,” Sarah said.

“Thanks, Sarah. That means a lot coming from you,” Jeffry replied.

“I wanted to ask if you’re interested in collaborating on a project with me. I have an idea for a new feature that I think would be great for the project,” Sarah said.

Jeffry was thrilled at the opportunity to collaborate with Sarah. “Absolutely, Sarah. I’d love to work with you on this. Let’s schedule a meeting to discuss it further,” Jeffry said.

As they worked on the project together, Jeffry and Sarah realized that they made a great team. They bounced ideas off each other, gave feedback, and worked together to create something truly impressive. When they presented their project to the team, everyone was impressed, and they received high praise from Alex.

As the project came to an end, Alex called Jeffry into his office. “Jeffry, I wanted to personally thank you for all your hard work on this project. You really went above and beyond, and we’re lucky to have you on our team,” Alex said.

“Thank you, Alex. It’s been a great experience working here,” Jeffry replied.

“I also wanted to let you know that we’re considering you for a promotion. We’re impressed with your work, and we think you have a bright future here at the company,” Alex said.

Jeffry was elated at the news. He had only been at the company for a few months, and he was already being considered for a promotion. He knew that his hard work had paid off and that he had made the right choice by accepting the job offer.


4. Michael and His Pet

Michael had always been an animal lover, and when he was finally old enough to get his own pet, he jumped at the opportunity. He went to the local animal shelter and fell in love with a small, scrappy-looking terrier named Charlie. From the moment they met, Michael knew that Charlie was the perfect pet for him.

As they walked out of the shelter, Charlie excitedly wagged his tail and jumped up to lick Michael’s face. Michael laughed and said, “Looks like we’re going to be the best of friends, Charlie.”

Over the next few weeks, Michael and Charlie spent every moment together. They went on long walks in the park, played fetch in the backyard, and snuggled up together on the couch. Michael couldn’t imagine his life without Charlie by his side.

One day, Michael was at work when he got a call from his neighbor, Mrs. Johnson. “Michael, I’m sorry to bother you, but I found Charlie wandering around the street. He doesn’t have a collar or any identification. Is everything okay?” she said.

Michael’s heart sank. He couldn’t imagine how Charlie had gotten out of the house. “Thank you for letting me know, Mrs. Johnson. I’ll be right over to pick him up,” he said.

As he rushed home, Michael couldn’t stop worrying about Charlie. Had he escaped from the backyard? Had someone stolen him? When he got home, he found Charlie sitting on the front porch, looking up at him with his tail wagging.

“Charlie! Oh my god, I’m so glad you’re okay,” Michael exclaimed, scooping him up into his arms.

As he brought Charlie inside, he noticed that something was off. Charlie was lethargic and didn’t seem interested in playing or cuddling. Michael knew that something was wrong, and he immediately called the vet.

After an examination, the vet told Michael that Charlie had eaten something toxic and would need to be hospitalized. Michael was devastated. He didn’t know how he would get through the next few days without Charlie.

As he sat in the waiting room, Michael heard a woman talking on the phone. “Yes, I have a small terrier that needs a home. He’s a little scrappy-looking, but he’s very sweet and well-behaved,” she said.

Michael’s ears perked up. He realized that the woman was talking about Charlie. He rushed over to her and said, “Excuse me, ma’am. That dog you’re talking about is mine. His name is Charlie, and he’s in the hospital right now.”

The woman looked at him skeptically. “I’m sorry, sir, but I found this dog wandering around the street. He didn’t have a collar or any identification. I assumed he was a stray,” she said.

Michael felt his heart sink. Had he lost Charlie for good? As he was about to leave the waiting room, he heard a small bark. He turned around and saw Charlie limping toward him.

“Charlie! You’re okay!” Michael exclaimed, scooping him up into his arms.

The woman looked at Michael and said, “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t realize that this was your dog. I’m just glad he’s okay.”

Michael couldn’t stop hugging Charlie. He knew that he never wanted to lose him again. As they walked out of the hospital, Michael turned to Charlie and said, “You know what, buddy? I think it’s time we got you a collar with your name and my phone number on it. That way, if you ever get lost again, someone will know who you belong to.”

Charlie wagged his tail excitedly, and Michael knew that they had a bond that could never be broken.


5. The Last Train Home

The train station was crowded with people trying to make their way home before the storm hit. I looked around frantically for a spot to sit, but every seat was taken. The departure board read that my train was delayed by 30 minutes, and I knew I was in for a long wait.

As I walked around the station, I saw a woman who was also waiting for the same train. She looked tired and weary, like she had been traveling for days. She sat on a bench with a small suitcase beside her, staring blankly ahead.

I approached her and asked, “Do you mind if I sit here?”

She shook her head and said, “No, go ahead.”

I sat down next to her and introduced myself. “Hi, I’m Emily.”

She gave me a small smile and replied, “I’m Maria.”

We sat in silence for a few moments before Maria spoke up again. “Are you heading home too?”

I nodded. “Yes, I’m on the last train back to my hometown. What about you?”

“I’m going home as well. I’ve been traveling for days to get back,” she said with a sigh.

“Where are you from?” I asked.

“I’m from Brazil. My family lives in a small town on the outskirts of São Paulo,” she replied.

We talked for a while longer, sharing stories about our hometowns and our travels. As we chatted, I realized that I had found a kindred spirit in Maria. She was warm and friendly, and I felt like we had known each other for years.

Suddenly, the departure board beeped and our train was listed as boarding. We gathered our things and made our way to the platform.

As we boarded the train, I noticed that all the seats were taken. We walked down the aisle, searching for a spot to sit together. We finally found two seats facing each other in the last car.

As the train pulled out of the station, Maria looked out the window with a faraway look in her eyes. “I haven’t been home in years,” she said softly. “I can’t wait to see my family again.”

“I know the feeling,” I said. “There’s nothing like going home.”

We chatted for a while longer before I noticed that Maria had fallen asleep. Her head was tilted back against the seat, and she looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to wake her.

As we neared her stop, I gently nudged her awake. “Maria, we’re almost there.”

She opened her eyes, startled. “Thank you,” she said, gathering her things. “It was so nice to meet you, Emily.”

“Likewise,” I replied. “Safe travels.”

As Maria stepped off the train, I felt a pang of sadness. I had only known her for a few hours, but I felt like we had formed a bond. I watched as she disappeared into the night, and I knew that I would never forget our chance encounter.

The train pulled into my hometown station a few minutes later. As I stepped off the train, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I had made it home safely, and I was grateful for the last train that had brought me back.


6. The Mysterious Case of the Missing Diamond

Detective Jones had been called to investigate the mysterious case of the missing diamond. It was the most valuable diamond in the city, and it had been stolen from a wealthy businessman’s office.

Jones arrived at the scene and met with the businessman. “Can you tell me what happened?” Jones asked.

“I arrived at my office this morning to find that my safe had been broken into,” the businessman said. “The diamond was the only thing missing.”

“Do you have any idea who could have done this?” Jones asked.

“I have a suspicion,” the businessman said. “There’s a rival businessman who has been trying to buy me out for years. I wouldn’t put it past him to resort to theft.”

Jones made a note of this and began to examine the scene. He found no fingerprints, no signs of forced entry, and no other clues.

As he was leaving the office, he overheard a conversation between two janitors. “Did you hear about the diamond?” one of them asked.

“Yeah, I heard it was worth a fortune,” the other replied. “I wish I could get my hands on it.”

Jones approached the janitors and asked them if they knew anything about the theft. They denied any involvement, but Jones wasn’t convinced.

He decided to keep an eye on the janitors, and a few days later, his patience paid off. He caught one of them trying to sell the diamond to a local pawnshop.

The janitor confessed to the theft and implicated the other janitor as his accomplice. They had managed to sneak into the businessman’s office after hours and break into the safe.

Jones retrieved the diamond and returned it to its rightful owner. The janitors were arrested and charged with theft.

As Jones was leaving the businessman’s office, he was approached by the businessman’s daughter. “Thank you so much for finding the diamond,” she said. “It’s very important to my father.”

Jones nodded. “It was my pleasure. I’m just glad I could solve the case.”

The daughter smiled. “You know, my father has been looking for a good detective to hire. Would you be interested?”

Jones smiled back. “I would be honored.”

And with that, Jones had solved the case of the missing diamond, and his career as a detective had taken a new turn.


7. The Girl Who Could Fly

Penny was a girl who was always curious about the world around her. She loved to explore, and she had a vivid imagination. But there was something else about Penny that made her different from other children: she could fly.

One day, Penny was flying over her small town when she heard a voice calling out to her. She followed the voice and landed in a nearby field, where she saw a boy sitting by himself.

“Hi, my name is Jack,” the boy said. “I’ve seen you flying around town, and I wanted to meet you.”

Penny was a bit surprised that someone had noticed her flying, but she was also excited to make a new friend.

They talked for hours, sharing stories and dreams. Jack was fascinated by Penny’s ability to fly, and he asked her all sorts of questions.

“I’ve always wanted to fly,” Jack said. “Do you think you could teach me?”

Penny smiled. “I can certainly try.”

For the next few days, Penny and Jack practiced flying together. Penny showed Jack how to use his arms to lift himself off the ground, and soon he was able to fly alongside her.

As they flew together, Penny noticed that Jack had a natural talent for flying. He seemed to have a sense of the wind and the air currents that Penny didn’t possess.

“You’re a natural,” Penny said, impressed.

Jack blushed. “Thanks. I never thought I’d be able to fly like this.”

But their joy was short-lived. One day, Penny and Jack were flying over the town when they saw a group of people gathered in the center of the town square. They landed to see what was happening, and they saw that the people were holding a meeting to discuss Penny’s ability to fly.

“We can’t let her keep doing this,” one woman said. “It’s not natural. We have to put a stop to it.”

Penny was heartbroken. She had always thought that her ability to fly was a gift, but now she realized that others saw it as a curse.

Jack spoke up. “Why can’t we just let her be? She’s not hurting anyone.”

The group murmured in agreement, and some even seemed to reconsider their stance. But one man wasn’t convinced.

“We can’t allow her to fly,” he said firmly. “Who knows what other strange powers she might have?”

Penny felt tears welling up in her eyes. She had never thought that her ability to fly would make her an outcast.

But then, something amazing happened. Jack took her hand and said, “Come on, let’s show them what we can do.”

Penny nodded, and together they flew into the sky. They performed loops and dives, and the people below gasped in amazement.

In that moment, Penny knew that she wasn’t alone. She had a friend who believed in her, and together, they could overcome any obstacle.


8. The Big Race

“Come on, Dad! You can do it!” yelled Mike’s son, Tommy, from the sidelines.

Mike could hear the excitement in his son’s voice, and it fueled his determination even more. He took a deep breath, feeling his heart racing with anticipation, and prepared himself for the race.

As the flag dropped, Mike revved up his engine and hit the gas, racing down the track. The wind was blowing through his hair, and the sound of the engine roared in his ears.

He maneuvered through the twists and turns of the racecourse, feeling his adrenaline pumping with each turn. He could hear the cheers and shouts of the crowd as he raced past them, focused only on the finish line.

Suddenly, he felt his car swerve, and he knew that he was losing control. “Hold on tight, Dad!” yelled his daughter, Emily, from the sidelines.

Mike struggled to regain control of his car, but it was too late. He felt himself hurtling towards the edge of the track, and he braced himself for the impact.

But just as he was about to hit the barrier, he felt a sudden jolt of energy surge through his body. His car righted itself, and he found himself back on course, racing towards the finish line.

He didn’t know how he had done it, but he knew that he had just experienced something extraordinary. As he crossed the finish line, he felt a sense of elation wash over him.

He was greeted by his family and friends, who were all cheering and clapping. “That was amazing, Dad!” said Tommy, giving him a high-five.

Mike couldn’t believe what had just happened. He had won the race, but more importantly, he had experienced the thrill of something truly magical.

As he looked up at the sky, he saw a shooting star streak across the sky. He knew that it was a sign, a symbol of the magic and wonder that had just entered his life.

From that day on, Mike knew that he would always be passionate about racing, but he would also never forget the power of the unexpected and the magical.


9. The Camping Trip

“What are we going to do out here in the wilderness?” grumbled Mark, as he and his friends set up their tents.

“Relax, Mark,” said Sarah, rolling her eyes. “We’re going to have an adventure.”

Mark grumbled some more, but eventually, he settled down and joined the group around the campfire.

As the night wore on, they swapped stories and shared laughs, roasting marshmallows and gazing up at the stars. The woods around them were dark and quiet, and they all felt a sense of peace and tranquility settling over them.

But suddenly, they heard a strange noise in the distance. It was a low growl, coming from deep within the woods.

Everyone froze, their eyes wide with fear. “What was that?” whispered Mark.

“I don’t know,” said Sarah, her voice shaking. “But we need to be careful.”

They all huddled together, listening as the growls grew louder and closer. They could hear the sound of twigs snapping underfoot, and they knew that something was coming.

Suddenly, a huge bear burst out of the woods, snarling and baring its teeth. The group screamed and scrambled to their feet, running for their lives.

As they raced through the woods, they heard the bear snarling behind them, getting closer and closer. But then, they saw a clearing up ahead, and they knew that they had to make it to safety.

They ran as fast as they could, their hearts pounding in their chests, until they finally burst through the trees and into the clearing. They looked back and saw the bear disappearing into the woods, its growls fading away.

They all collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath, but also filled with a sense of triumph. They had survived the bear attack, and they knew that they had bonded together in a way that only a true adventure could achieve.

As they settled back into their tents for the night, they all felt a sense of gratitude and awe for the beauty and power of the natural world. They knew that their camping trip had been more than just a simple getaway; it had been a life-changing experience that they would never forget.


10. The New Girl

Emma had always been shy and introverted, which made moving to a new school even more daunting. She was used to being the quiet one, blending into the background and avoiding attention. But she couldn’t escape the stares and whispers of her new classmates as she entered the classroom.

Feeling self-conscious, Emma walked to an empty desk in the back of the room and tried to blend in. She watched as a group of girls huddled together, chatting and laughing as if they’d known each other forever. Emma envied their closeness, and wished she could be a part of it.

But then, one of the girls noticed her standing alone and made her way over to Emma. Her name was Lily, and she had a warm, friendly smile that put Emma at ease.

“Hi there! I’m Lily,” she said, extending her hand. “Are you new here?”

Emma nodded, feeling relieved that someone had noticed her. Lily introduced her to the rest of the group, and Emma was grateful to see that they were just as welcoming as Lily.

As they chatted and got to know each other, Emma felt a sense of belonging that she hadn’t felt in a long time. For the first time since moving, she felt like she might actually fit in at this school.

Over the coming weeks, Emma and Lily grew closer, bonding over their shared love of art and books. Emma felt grateful to have made a friend so quickly, and looked forward to spending time with Lily every day.

But as the school year wore on, Emma began to notice a change in Lily. She seemed distant, preoccupied, and more interested in hanging out with other girls than spending time with Emma.

Emma tried not to take it personally, but it was hard not to feel hurt. She had thought that their friendship was solid, but now it felt like it was slipping away.

One day, after class, Emma mustered up the courage to confront Lily. “Is everything okay?” she asked tentatively.

Lily looked surprised, as if she hadn’t realized anything was wrong. “Of course! Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know, it just seems like we haven’t been as close lately,” Emma said, feeling awkward.

Lily sighed. “I’m sorry, Emma. It’s not you, it’s me. I’ve just been going through some stuff at home, and it’s been hard to focus on anything else.”

Emma felt a wave of sympathy for her friend. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

Lily smiled gratefully. “Actually, there is. I was thinking of starting an art club after school, and I was hoping you’d be interested in joining me.”

Emma’s heart swelled with happiness. “Of course! I’d love to.”

And so, Emma and Lily’s friendship grew stronger than ever. Through the ups and downs of the school year, they stuck by each other’s side, supporting and encouraging each other every step of the way. Emma was grateful to have found a friend who truly understood her, and knew that their friendship was something special that would last a lifetime.


11. The Best Adventure

Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Jack and Alex. They both loved adventure and had been on many expeditions together. They had climbed mountains, explored forests, and even traveled to foreign lands. However, they always dreamed of going on an adventure that would surpass all others.

One day, Jack came up with an idea. He had heard of a hidden valley deep in the heart of a dense jungle that was said to be the most beautiful place on Earth. The only problem was that no one had ever been able to find it. Jack was convinced that he and Alex could be the first to discover the valley, and he shared his idea with his friend.

Alex was hesitant at first, as the journey would be treacherous and dangerous. However, he couldn’t resist the allure of a new adventure, and soon he was just as excited as Jack was. They began preparing for their journey, packing supplies and researching the jungle.

The journey was long and arduous. They had to hike through thick, dense forest, cross raging rivers, and fight off dangerous creatures. They faced many challenges along the way, but their friendship and determination kept them going.

After weeks of travel, they finally arrived at the edge of the jungle where the valley was rumored to be. They had to trek through dense vegetation and climb a steep mountain before they finally reached the valley. And what they found there took their breath away.

The valley was truly the most beautiful place they had ever seen. The air was filled with the sweet scent of exotic flowers, and the sound of rushing waterfalls filled their ears. They explored the valley for days, marveling at its beauty and discovering new wonders at every turn.

As they sat by a tranquil stream, basking in the warmth of the sun, Jack turned to Alex and said, “This is it. This is the best adventure we’ve ever had.”

Alex nodded in agreement. “And the best part is, we did it together,” he replied, smiling.

Their journey back was just as difficult, but they were filled with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. They had discovered the hidden valley and experienced its beauty, and they had done it together.

When they finally returned home, they were greeted as heroes. Their friends and family marveled at the tales of their adventure, and they were even featured in a national geographic magazine.

From that day on, Jack and Alex knew that their friendship was unbreakable. They had been through so much together, and their bond had only grown stronger. And although they continued to go on many adventures together, they both knew that their trip to the hidden valley would always be the best one.


Cerita Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

12. My Mom Fallen in Love With Flowers

As long as Alice could remember, her mother had always loved flowers. From the time she was a little girl, her mother had spent hours in the garden, tending to her favorite plants and watching them grow.

One day, when Alice was visiting her mother, she noticed something different about the garden. It was filled with vibrant colors and new, exotic plants that she had never seen before.

“Mom, the garden looks amazing! What did you do?” Alice exclaimed.

Her mother smiled and said, “I’ve been working on it for weeks. I’ve fallen in love with flowers all over again.”

Alice’s brother, Tom, who had just arrived, overheard their conversation and chimed in, “I can see why. The garden is truly beautiful.”

Alice couldn’t believe how much her mother’s passion for flowers had grown. She decided to ask her mother more about it.

“Mom, what made you fall in love with flowers all over again?” Alice asked.

Her mother paused for a moment before responding. “I don’t know, Alice. I guess it’s just something about their beauty and the way they can bring happiness to people’s lives.”

Tom added, “And the fact that they can symbolize so many things, like love and friendship.”

Alice was fascinated by her mother’s renewed love for flowers. She decided to spend the day with her in the garden, helping her plant new flowers and learning more about her passion.

As they worked together, her mother shared stories about her childhood and how her own mother had instilled a love for gardening in her. Alice couldn’t help but feel closer to her mother as they bonded over their shared love for flowers.

Later that day, as they sat on the porch, admiring their handiwork, Alice’s mother turned to her and said, “You know, Alice, I’ve been thinking. I would love to start a flower shop. I want to share my love for flowers with the world and make people happy with their beauty.”

Alice was surprised by her mother’s idea but was also excited for her. “That’s amazing, Mom! You should absolutely go for it.”

Tom added, “Yeah, you have a true talent for flowers, Mom. I know you would be amazing at it.”

Her mother smiled, and Alice knew that this was the start of something new and exciting.

Over the next few weeks, her mother spent every moment working on her flower shop. Alice and Tom helped her with everything from designing the logo to setting up the shop’s displays. Her mother’s passion for flowers had brought them all together in a new and special way.

Finally, the day of the grand opening arrived. Alice and Tom were nervous but excited for their mother. As the first customers walked in, they saw their mother’s face light up with joy. It was clear that she had found her calling in life.

As the day wore on, Alice and Tom watched proudly as their mother’s flower shop became a success. They knew that her love for flowers had brought her to this moment, and they were grateful to be a part of it.

As they closed up the shop for the night, Alice’s mother turned to her children and said, “Thank you both for your help. I couldn’t have done this without you. And thank you for reminding me of my love for flowers.”

Alice and Tom hugged their mother tightly, knowing that their bond had grown even stronger because of their shared love for flowers. They knew that their mother’s passion had not only brought her happiness but had also brought them closer as a family.


Ibuku Jatuh Cinta dengan Bunga-Bunga

Sepanjang ingatan Alice, ibunya selalu menyukai bunga. Sejak dia masih kecil, ibunya telah menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di taman, merawat tanaman favoritnya dan memperhatikannya tumbuh.

Suatu hari, ketika Alice sedang mengunjungi ibunya, dia melihat sesuatu yang berbeda tentang taman itu. Itu dipenuhi dengan warna-warna cerah dan tanaman eksotis baru yang belum pernah dia lihat sebelumnya.

“Bu, tamannya terlihat luar biasa! Apa yang kamu lakukan?” seru Alice.

Ibunya tersenyum dan berkata, “Aku sudah mengerjakannya selama berminggu-minggu. Aku jatuh cinta lagi pada bunga.”

Kakak Alice, Tom, yang baru saja tiba, mendengar percakapan mereka dan menimpali, “Aku mengerti kenapa. Tamannya benar-benar indah.”

Alice tidak percaya betapa cinta ibunya terhadap bunga telah tumbuh. Dia memutuskan untuk bertanya lebih banyak kepada ibunya tentang hal itu.

“Bu, apa yang membuatmu jatuh cinta lagi pada bunga?” tanya Alice.

Ibunya diam sejenak sebelum menjawab. “Entahlah, Alice. Kurasa itu hanya tentang kecantikan mereka dan cara mereka membawa kebahagiaan ke dalam kehidupan orang lain.”

Tom menambahkan, “Dan fakta bahwa mereka bisa melambangkan banyak hal, seperti cinta dan persahabatan.”

Alice terpesona oleh kecintaan ibunya yang baru terhadap bunga. Dia memutuskan untuk menghabiskan hari bersamanya di taman, membantunya menanam bunga baru dan belajar lebih banyak tentang hasratnya.

Saat mereka bekerja bersama, ibunya berbagi cerita tentang masa kecilnya dan bagaimana ibunya sendiri menanamkan kecintaan untuk berkebun dalam dirinya. Alice mau tidak mau merasa lebih dekat dengan ibunya saat mereka terikat karena cinta mereka yang sama pada bunga.

Kemudian pada hari itu, saat mereka duduk di beranda, mengagumi hasil karya mereka, ibu Alice menoleh padanya dan berkata, “Kamu tahu, Alice, aku sedang berpikir. Aku ingin membuka toko bunga. Aku ingin berbagi cintaku untuk bunga dengan dunia dan membuat orang bahagia dengan kecantikannya.”

Alice terkejut dengan ide ibunya tetapi juga bersemangat untuknya. “Luar biasa, Bu! Kamu harus benar-benar melakukannya.”

Tom menambahkan, “Ya, kamu benar-benar berbakat dalam hal bunga, Bu. Aku tahu kamu akan luar biasa dalam hal itu.”

Ibunya tersenyum, dan Alice tahu bahwa ini adalah awal dari sesuatu yang baru dan menyenangkan.

Selama beberapa minggu berikutnya, ibunya menghabiskan setiap saat bekerja di toko bunganya. Alice dan Tom membantunya dalam segala hal, mulai dari mendesain logo hingga memasang pajangan toko. Kecintaan ibunya pada bunga telah menyatukan mereka semua dengan cara yang baru dan istimewa.

Akhirnya, hari grand opening pun tiba. Alice dan Tom gugup tetapi bersemangat untuk ibu mereka. Saat pelanggan pertama masuk, mereka melihat wajah ibu mereka berbinar gembira. Jelas bahwa dia telah menemukan panggilan hidupnya.

Seiring berlalunya hari, Alice dan Tom dengan bangga menyaksikan toko bunga ibu mereka menjadi sukses. Mereka tahu bahwa kecintaannya pada bunga telah membawanya ke saat ini, dan mereka bersyukur menjadi bagian darinya.

Saat mereka menutup toko untuk malam itu, ibu Alice menoleh ke anak-anaknya dan berkata, “Terima kasih atas bantuan kalian berdua. Aku tidak bisa melakukan ini tanpa kalian. Dan terima kasih telah mengingatkanku akan cintaku pada bunga.”

Alice dan Tom memeluk ibu mereka erat-erat, mengetahui bahwa ikatan mereka semakin kuat karena kecintaan mereka pada bunga. Mereka tahu bahwa semangat ibu mereka tidak hanya membawa kebahagiaan, tetapi juga membawa mereka lebih dekat sebagai sebuah keluarga.


13. The Butterfly Effect

It was a warm summer day and the sun was shining brightly. I was walking through the park, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere when I spotted a beautiful butterfly. It was a vibrant blue color and fluttering its wings so gracefully.

As I watched the butterfly, I noticed a young girl standing nearby, her eyes fixed on the butterfly as well. She was dressed in a pink dress and had a pair of white wings clipped to her back. She turned to me and said, “Do you like butterflies too?”

I smiled and replied, “Yes, I do. They’re so beautiful and delicate.”

The girl nodded in agreement. “I think they’re magical. I wish I could be a butterfly and fly wherever I wanted.”

We continued to watch the butterfly as it fluttered away, disappearing from our view. The girl’s face fell and she looked up at me with a sad expression. “Where do you think the butterfly went?”

“I’m not sure,” I said. “But it’s probably off to explore new places and make new friends.”

The girl perked up at this and said, “Maybe one day I’ll be a butterfly too.”

As we continued to talk, I learned that her name was Lily and that she loved to draw and paint. She showed me a picture she had drawn of a butterfly and I was impressed by her talent.

As we walked through the park together, I noticed that Lily was picking up litter and putting it in a nearby trash bin. “Why are you doing that?” I asked her.

She shrugged. “I don’t like it when people litter. It’s not good for the environment.”

I was impressed by her sense of responsibility and her concern for the environment. It made me think about how small actions like picking up litter could have a ripple effect and make a big difference.

As we said our goodbyes, I couldn’t help but think about how our chance encounter might have a butterfly effect on both of us. Lily’s positive attitude and love for nature inspired me to be more mindful of my own actions and how they could impact the world around me.

And maybe one day, just maybe, Lily would become a butterfly and fly off to explore new places and make new friends, just like the butterfly we had seen in the park.


Efek Kupu-Kupu

Itu adalah hari musim panas yang hangat dan matahari bersinar cerah. Saya sedang berjalan-jalan di taman, menikmati suasana damai ketika saya melihat kupu-kupu yang cantik. Itu adalah warna biru cerah dan mengepakkan sayapnya dengan anggun.

Ketika saya memperhatikan kupu-kupu itu, saya melihat seorang gadis muda berdiri di dekatnya, matanya juga tertuju pada kupu-kupu itu. Dia mengenakan gaun merah muda dan sepasang sayap putih terpotong di punggungnya. Dia menoleh ke saya dan berkata, “Apakah kamu juga suka kupu-kupu?”

Saya tersenyum dan menjawab, “Ya, benar. Mereka sangat cantik dan lembut.”

Gadis itu mengangguk setuju. “Menurutku mereka ajaib. Aku berharap bisa menjadi kupu-kupu dan terbang ke mana pun aku mau.”

Kami terus mengamati kupu-kupu itu yang terbang menjauh, menghilang dari pandangan kami. Wajah gadis itu jatuh dan dia menatapku dengan ekspresi sedih. “Menurutmu ke mana kupu-kupu itu pergi?”

“Aku tidak yakin,” kataku. “Tapi mungkin untuk menjelajahi tempat baru dan mencari teman baru.”

Gadis itu bersemangat dan berkata, “Mungkin suatu hari aku akan menjadi kupu-kupu juga.”

Saat kami terus berbicara, saya mengetahui bahwa namanya adalah Lily dan dia suka menggambar dan melukis. Dia menunjukkan kepada saya gambar kupu-kupu yang dia buat dan saya terkesan dengan bakatnya.

Saat kami berjalan melewati taman bersama, saya melihat Lily memungut sampah dan membuangnya ke tempat sampah terdekat. “Mengapa kamu melakukan itu?” aku bertanya padanya.

Dia mengangkat bahu. “Saya tidak suka kalau orang membuang sampah sembarangan. Itu tidak baik untuk lingkungan.”

Saya terkesan dengan rasa tanggung jawabnya dan kepeduliannya terhadap lingkungan. Itu membuat saya berpikir tentang bagaimana tindakan kecil seperti memungut sampah dapat memiliki efek riak dan membuat perbedaan besar.

Saat kami mengucapkan selamat tinggal, mau tidak mau aku berpikir tentang bagaimana pertemuan kebetulan kami dapat memiliki efek kupu-kupu pada kami berdua. Sikap positif dan kecintaan Lily terhadap alam mengilhami saya untuk lebih memperhatikan tindakan saya sendiri dan bagaimana tindakan itu dapat memengaruhi dunia di sekitar saya.

Dan mungkin suatu hari, mungkin saja, Lily akan menjadi kupu-kupu dan terbang untuk menjelajahi tempat-tempat baru dan mencari teman baru, seperti kupu-kupu yang kita lihat di taman.


14. The Ghost in the Attic

Katie had always been a curious child, so when her parents told her about the old house they had just bought, she couldn’t wait to explore it. As soon as they arrived, she ran upstairs to check out the attic.

It was dark and dusty, but Katie wasn’t afraid. She loved old things and the attic was full of them. As she was looking around, she suddenly heard a strange noise. It sounded like a whisper, but she couldn’t make out what it was saying.

Katie turned around and saw nothing but an old trunk. She approached the trunk and saw that it was locked. She tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. Frustrated, she gave up and went back downstairs.

That night, Katie couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking about the mysterious noise in the attic and the locked trunk. She decided to go back up and try to open it again. This time, she brought a flashlight and a hairpin to pick the lock.

As she was working on the lock, she heard the whispering again. This time, she could make out what it was saying. “Help me,” it said.

Katie froze in terror. She didn’t know what to do. She tried to open the trunk again, but it still wouldn’t budge. She thought she heard footsteps coming up the stairs, so she quickly put the hairpin back in her pocket and pretended to be asleep.

The next morning, Katie told her parents about the strange noise in the attic and the locked trunk. They laughed it off and said she was just hearing things. But Katie knew what she heard.

That night, she went back up to the attic and tried to open the trunk again. This time, it opened easily. Inside, she found an old diary and a photograph. The diary belonged to a girl named Emily, who had died in the house many years ago. The photograph was of Emily and her family.

Katie felt a chill run down her spine as she looked at the photograph. There was something strange about it. She realized that Emily was standing right behind her. Katie turned around and saw Emily’s ghost.

“Help me,” Emily said again.

Katie was scared, but she knew she had to help Emily. She read Emily’s diary and learned that her parents had abused her and then killed her. Katie went to the police and showed them the diary and the photograph.

The police investigated and found Emily’s body buried in the backyard. Her parents were arrested and put in jail.

Katie never forgot about Emily and the ghost in the attic. She visited the house often and left flowers on Emily’s grave. She knew that Emily’s spirit was finally at peace.


Hantu di Loteng

Katie selalu menjadi anak yang ingin tahu, jadi ketika orang tuanya bercerita tentang rumah tua yang baru saja mereka beli, dia tidak sabar untuk menjelajahinya. Begitu mereka tiba, dia berlari ke atas untuk memeriksa loteng.

Saat itu gelap dan berdebu, tapi Katie tidak takut. Dia menyukai barang-barang lama dan lotengnya penuh dengan barang-barang itu. Saat dia melihat sekeliling, dia tiba-tiba mendengar suara aneh. Kedengarannya seperti bisikan, tapi dia tidak bisa mengerti apa yang dikatakannya.

Katie berbalik dan tidak melihat apa-apa selain koper tua. Dia mendekati bagasi dan melihat bahwa itu terkunci. Dia mencoba membukanya, tetapi tidak mau bergerak. Frustrasi, dia menyerah dan kembali ke bawah.

Malam itu, Katie tidak bisa tidur. Dia terus memikirkan tentang suara misterius di loteng dan bagasi yang terkunci. Dia memutuskan untuk naik kembali dan mencoba membukanya lagi. Kali ini, dia membawa senter dan jepit rambut untuk mengambil kunci.

Saat dia sedang mengerjakan kunci, dia mendengar bisikan lagi. Kali ini, dia bisa mengerti apa yang dikatakannya. “Bantu aku,” katanya.

Katie membeku ketakutan. Dia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Dia mencoba membuka bagasi lagi, tetapi masih tidak mau bergerak. Dia pikir dia mendengar langkah kaki menaiki tangga, jadi dia cepat-cepat memasukkan kembali jepit rambut ke sakunya dan berpura-pura tidur.

Keesokan paginya, Katie memberi tahu orangtuanya tentang suara aneh di loteng dan bagasi yang terkunci. Mereka menertawakannya dan mengatakan dia hanya mendengar sesuatu. Tapi Katie tahu apa yang didengarnya.

Malam itu, dia kembali ke loteng dan mencoba membuka bagasi lagi. Kali ini, dibuka dengan mudah. Di dalam, dia menemukan sebuah buku harian tua dan sebuah foto. Buku harian itu milik seorang gadis bernama Emily, yang telah meninggal di rumah itu bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Foto itu adalah Emily dan keluarganya.

Katie merasakan hawa dingin di punggungnya saat dia melihat foto itu. Ada sesuatu yang aneh tentang itu. Dia menyadari bahwa Emily berdiri tepat di belakangnya. Katie berbalik dan melihat hantu Emily.

“Bantu aku,” kata Emily lagi.

Katie takut, tapi dia tahu dia harus membantu Emily. Dia membaca buku harian Emily dan mengetahui bahwa orang tuanya telah melecehkannya dan kemudian membunuhnya. Katie pergi ke polisi dan menunjukkan kepada mereka buku harian dan fotonya.

Polisi menyelidiki dan menemukan tubuh Emily terkubur di halaman belakang. Orang tuanya ditangkap dan dimasukkan ke dalam penjara.

Katie tidak pernah melupakan Emily dan hantu di loteng. Dia sering mengunjungi rumah itu dan meninggalkan bunga di makam Emily. Dia tahu bahwa semangat Emily akhirnya damai.


15. Broken Promises

Sophie had been dating James for three years. They had been high school sweethearts and had gone through everything together. She thought they were happy, until one day James sat her down and told her that he had fallen in love with someone else.

Sophie’s heart shattered into a million pieces. She couldn’t believe that James could just throw away everything they had built together. She cried for days and barely ate or slept.

One day, Sophie decided that she needed to confront James. She couldn’t just let him go without any explanation. She drove to his house and knocked on the door.

“Hey, Sophie,” James said when he answered the door. “What are you doing here?”

“I needed to talk to you,” Sophie said, her voice shaking. “I can’t believe that you just threw away everything we had.”

“I didn’t throw it away,” James said. “I just realized that I wasn’t in love with you anymore. It’s not something that I planned, it just happened.”

Sophie felt a wave of anger wash over her. How could he be so selfish? “And what about me?” she said. “What am I supposed to do now?”

“I’m sorry, Sophie,” James said. “I never meant to hurt you.”

Sophie couldn’t stand it anymore. She turned and walked away, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t want to hear his apologies or his excuses. She just wanted to be alone.

Days turned into weeks and Sophie slowly began to pick up the pieces of her shattered heart. She went out with friends, picked up old hobbies, and tried to move on. But deep down, she knew that she still loved James.

One night, Sophie was out with her friends when she saw James across the room. Her heart started racing and she felt a lump form in her throat. She couldn’t believe that she was still so affected by him.

James saw her too and walked over. “Hey, Sophie,” he said.

Sophie tried to keep her composure. “What do you want, James?” she said.

“I just wanted to talk to you,” James said. “I miss you, Sophie. I made a mistake.”

Sophie looked at him, her heart aching. She wanted to believe him, but she was scared. “I don’t know if I can trust you again,” she said.

“I understand,” James said. “But I promise you, I’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”

Sophie felt conflicted. She still loved James, but she didn’t know if she could go through the heartbreak again. “I need time to think,” she said.

James nodded. “Take all the time you need,” he said.

Sophie left the bar that night feeling confused and lost. She didn’t know what to do or what she wanted. All she knew was that her heart was still hurting, and she wasn’t sure if it would ever heal.


Janji yang Tidak Ditepati

Sophie telah berkencan dengan James selama tiga tahun. Mereka adalah kekasih sekolah menengah dan telah melalui semuanya bersama. Dia mengira mereka bahagia, sampai suatu hari James mendudukkannya dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia telah jatuh cinta dengan orang lain.

Hati Sophie hancur berkeping-keping. Dia tidak percaya James bisa membuang begitu saja semua yang telah mereka bangun bersama. Dia menangis selama berhari-hari dan hampir tidak makan atau tidur.

Suatu hari, Sophie memutuskan bahwa dia perlu menghadapi James. Dia tidak bisa membiarkan dia pergi tanpa penjelasan apapun. Dia pergi ke rumahnya dan mengetuk pintu.

“Hei, Sophie,” kata James ketika dia membukakan pintu. “Apa yang kamu lakukan di sini?”

“Aku perlu bicara denganmu,” kata Sophie, suaranya bergetar. “Aku tidak percaya kamu baru saja membuang semua yang kita miliki.”

“Aku tidak membuangnya,” kata James. “Aku baru menyadari bahwa aku tidak mencintaimu lagi. Itu bukan sesuatu yang aku rencanakan, itu terjadi begitu saja.”

Sophie merasakan gelombang kemarahan menyapu dirinya. Bagaimana dia bisa begitu egois? “Dan bagaimana dengan saya?” dia berkata. “Apa yang harus saya lakukan sekarang?”

“Maafkan aku, Sophie,” kata James. “Aku tak bermaksud untuk melukaimu.”

Sophie tidak tahan lagi. Dia berbalik dan berjalan pergi, air mata mengalir di wajahnya. Dia tidak ingin mendengar permintaan maaf atau alasannya. Dia hanya ingin sendirian.

Hari berganti minggu dan Sophie perlahan mulai memunguti kepingan hatinya yang hancur. Dia pergi keluar dengan teman-teman, mengambil hobi lama, dan mencoba untuk melanjutkan. Tapi jauh di lubuk hati, dia tahu bahwa dia masih mencintai James.

Suatu malam, Sophie sedang keluar dengan teman-temannya ketika dia melihat James di seberang ruangan. Jantungnya mulai berpacu dan dia merasakan benjolan di tenggorokannya. Dia tidak percaya bahwa dia masih begitu terpengaruh olehnya.

James melihatnya juga dan berjalan mendekat. “Hai, Sophie,” katanya.

Sophie berusaha tetap tenang. “Apa yang kamu inginkan, Jems?” dia berkata.

“Aku hanya ingin berbicara denganmu,” kata James. “Aku merindukanmu, Sophie. Aku melakukan kesalahan.”

Sophie menatapnya, hatinya sakit. Dia ingin mempercayainya, tapi dia takut. “Aku tidak tahu apakah aku bisa mempercayaimu lagi,” katanya.

“Aku mengerti,” kata James. “Tapi aku berjanji, aku akan melakukan apa pun untuk menebusnya untukmu.”

Sophie merasa berkonflik. Dia masih mencintai James, tetapi dia tidak tahu apakah dia bisa mengalami patah hati lagi. “Aku butuh waktu untuk berpikir,” katanya.

James mengangguk. “Gunakan semua waktu yang kamu butuhkan,” katanya.

Sophie meninggalkan bar malam itu dengan perasaan bingung dan tersesat. Dia tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan atau apa yang dia inginkan. Yang dia tahu hanyalah bahwa hatinya masih sakit, dan dia tidak yakin apakah itu akan sembuh.

Jadi itulah penjelasan lengkap tentang cerpen mulai dari pengertian, jenis, hingga contohnya dalam bahasa Inggris.

Sudah siap untuk membuat English short story berdasarkan hasil proses kreatifmu? Siap, dong?!

Oke, terima kasih sudah belajar dengan menyimak tulisan ini sampai habis, semoga bisa membantu kamu jika suatu saat harus mengerjakan tugas cerpen bahasa Inggris ya! 

Kalau ingin berdiskusi lebih lanjut terkait materi bahasa Inggris lainnya, jangan lupa untuk ingat English Academy! Kurikulumnya berstandar internasional, belajarnya interaktif, serta materinya dapat kamu akses di mana pun dan kapan pun. 

Pilih kelas sesuai kemampuan kamu dengan mengikuti Placement Test terlebih dahulu ya! Kami tunggu kamu di kelas!

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