15 Contoh Announcement Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

CTA English Academy

Kamu hendak membuat pengumuman melalui tulisan? Yuk, simak dulu 15 contoh announcement text bahasa Inggris dalam berbagai tema di artikel ini. Simak dengan baik ya!

Guys, sebelumnya English Academy sudah menuliskan artikel mengenai contoh berbagai jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris, seperti contoh descriptive text, contoh report text, dan contoh narrative text. Sekarang, saatnya untuk kamu menyimak contoh-contoh announcement text.

Actually, media untuk menyebarkan announcement text cukup beragam, baik itu secara audio, visual, maupun gabungan dari keduanya. 

Oh ya, cara menyampaikan pengumuman pun variatif, bisa melalui radio, televisi, koran, email, media sosial, atau internet platform lainnya.

Nah, di artikel ini, kita akan fokus pada contoh announcement text yang bisa kamu publikasikan melalui tulisan ya. Jadi, mari pelajari referensi dari bawah ini, supaya nantinya kamu bisa memuat pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar!


Pengertian Announcement Text

What is announcement text? Announcement text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk memberitahukan informasi penting, acara, atau perubahan mengenai suatu hal kepada khalayak yang dituju. 

Teks pengumuman ini biasanya disebarkan secara luas kepada orang-orang yang terkait, seperti karyawan, pelanggan, atau masyarakat umum. 

Nah, tujuan dari teks pengumuman yaitu untuk menyampaikan pesan dengan jelas dan efektif agar semua pihak yang terlibat dapat memahami informasi yang diberikan.

Biasanya, pengumuman ini mencakup detail tentang acara atau perubahan yang akan terjadi, termasuk tanggal, waktu, lokasi, dan informasi penting lainnya.

Teks pengumuman bahasa Inggris terdiri dari generic structure opening, content, dan closing. Untuk penjelasan lengkapnya, kamu bisa cek artikel Announcement Text: Definisi, Struktur, dan Contoh Teks.


Contoh Announcement Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Di bawah ini, kamu dapat menyimak berbagai contoh teks pengumuman bahasa Inggris. Cek, yuk!

Contoh Announcement Text Singkat 

Library Hours Extension Announcement

Dear Students,

We are pleased to announce that the school library will be extending its operating hours starting next week. The new hours will be from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. This change is aimed at providing students with more access to resources for their academic needs.

Thank you for your attention, and we hope you make the most of the extended library hours.


New Telecommuting Policy Implementation Notice

Attention all employees,

We would like to inform you that our company will be implementing a new telecommuting policy starting March 1st. This policy will allow eligible employees to work remotely for up to two days per week. Detailed guidelines and eligibility criteria will be provided via email by the HR department.

Thank you for your cooperation as we transition to this new policy.


Community Cleanup Event Reminder

Dear Residents,

We want to remind everyone about the upcoming community cleanup event scheduled for Saturday, February 26th. Volunteers will gather at the community center at 9:00 AM to participate in various cleanup activities around the neighborhood. Please bring your own gloves and water bottles.

We appreciate your support in keeping our community clean and beautiful. See you at the cleanup event!


Contoh Teks pengumuman di Stasiun Kereta api 

Suka bepergian menggunakan kereta api? Kalau iya, 3 contoh announcement text kereta api berikut ini kemungkinan sudah familiar di telingamu: 

Temporary Closure of Platform 3 for Maintenance Work

Dear passengers,

We regret to inform you that Platform 3 at our train station will be temporarily closed for maintenance work.

Beginning from Monday, March 5th, 2024, Platform 3 will be closed to all passengers and train services for a period of two weeks. During this time, maintenance crews will be conducting essential repairs and upgrades to ensure the safety and efficiency of the platform.

Passengers who usually board or alight from trains on Platform 3 are advised to use alternative platforms during the closure period. Signage and staff will be available to assist passengers in navigating the station and accessing their intended trains.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this temporary closure and thank you for your understanding. We are committed to maintaining our facilities to the highest standards for the safety and comfort of all passengers.


New Schedule for Train Services on the Red Line

Dear valued passengers,

We are pleased to announce some important updates regarding the train services on the Red Line.

Starting from next Monday, February 28th, 2024, we will be implementing a revised schedule for train services on the Red Line. This new schedule aims to improve efficiency and better accommodate passenger needs.

Trains will now operate with increased frequency during peak hours, with trains departing every 15 minutes instead of every 30 minutes. Additionally, we have extended the operating hours for the last train of the day to better serve passengers who require late-night transportation.

Thank you for your attention, and we appreciate your cooperation as we strive to enhance your commuting experience. Should you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team at +62341 4567 9103 (WhatsApp).


New Route Announcement: Bandung to Pangandaran

Dear passengers,

We are thrilled to announce the addition of a new route from Bandung to Pangandaran using KA Pangandaran.

Beginning April 1st, 2024, we will be introducing direct train services from Bandung to Pangandaran, offering travelers a comfortable and scenic journey to this popular destination. The new route will operate daily, with multiple departure times to suit your schedule.

We are excited to launch this new route and look forward to welcoming you onboard our trains from Bandung to Pangandaran. Stay tuned for further updates and booking information. For inquiries and reservations, please check our website https://booking.kai.id/ or KAI application (available on PlayStore & AppStore). Thank you for choosing to travel with us, and we wish you a pleasant journey ahead.


Contoh Announcement Text Pramugari 

Contoh teks pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris berikutnya biasa kita dengar dari pramugari. Buat kamu yang suka naik pesawat, announcement mana yang paling sering kamu dengar?

Welcome Aboard Announcement: Flight to Paris

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning and welcome aboard Flight GA123 bound for Paris. On behalf of the entire crew, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to each of you. We’re delighted to have you with us today and are committed to ensuring your journey is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable.

As we prepare for takeoff, we kindly ask for your attention while we provide important safety information. Please familiarize yourself with the safety card located in the seat pocket in front of you. It contains detailed instructions on emergency procedures, including the location of emergency exits, the use of oxygen masks, and the brace position.

During the flight, our dedicated cabin crew will be on hand to assist you with any requests or concerns you may have. We invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy our inflight entertainment offerings, which include a selection of movies, music, and games.

Once again, welcome aboard Flight GA123 to Paris. We hope you have a pleasant flight with us today. If there’s anything we can do to make your journey more comfortable, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Thank you for choosing to fly with us, and we look forward to serving you onboard.


Seatbelt Sign On for Takeoff

Ladies and gentlemen,

As we prepare for takeoff, we kindly request your attention for an important safety announcement. For your safety and the safety of those around you, we ask that you remain seated with your seatbelt securely fastened until the seatbelt sign is turned off.

Please ensure that your seatbelt is fastened low and tight across your lap. To fasten, insert the metal end into the buckle and pull the strap to tighten. To release, lift the top of the buckle.

Throughout the flight, we may encounter unexpected turbulence. Keeping your seatbelt fastened while seated is essential to ensure your safety during these times. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this safety requirement.

Thank you for your attention to this important safety announcement. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring a safe and pleasant flight for everyone onboard.


Preparation for Landing Announcement

Ladies and gentlemen,

As we commence our descent into our destination, we kindly request your attention for an important announcement regarding our arrival procedures.

At this time, we ask that you return to your seats and ensure that your seatbelt is securely fastened. Please stow away any loose belongings in the overhead compartments or under the seat in front of you. Ensure that your tray tables are stowed, your seat backs are in the upright position, and your window shades are open.

As we approach our destination, our cabin crew will be passing through the cabin to conduct a final safety check and prepare the cabin for landing. We kindly ask for your cooperation and assistance during this process.

Thank you for your attention. We hope you’ve enjoyed your flight with us and wish you a pleasant stay at your destination.


Sekarang, kamu bisa belajar bahasa Inggris secara offline di English Academy, lho! Yuk, cek cabang English Academy Center terdekat dari kotamu!

CTA English Academy Center


Contoh Teks Pengumuman Juara Lomba

Teks pengumuman juara lomba di bawah ini bisa kamu jadikan referensi ketika hendak mempublikasikan informasi tentang juara lomba individu maupun kelompok di sebuah event. Lihat contohnya ya!

Announcement of Winners: Debate Competition

Dear participants and esteemed guests,

We are delighted to gather here today to announce the winners of the Debate Competition. This event has been a showcase of intellectual prowess and persuasive argumentation, and we are excited to recognize the outstanding achievements of our participants.

Before we proceed to announce the winners, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all the participants for their eloquence, critical thinking, and dedication throughout the Debate Competition. Your contributions have enriched our discussions and inspired us with your compelling arguments.

Without further ado, let us announce the winners. In the Junior Division, the first-place team is Oakridge Middle School for their articulate defense of the topic “The Importance of Environmental Conservation.” In the Senior Division, we congratulate Maplewood High School for their outstanding performance in advocating for “Youth Empowerment in the Digital Age.”

Congratulations to all the winners and participants of the Debate Competition. Your eloquence and passion for debate have been truly commendable. We would like to express our gratitude to our judges, sponsors, and volunteers for their invaluable support in making this event a success. We look forward to witnessing more engaging debates in the future. Thank you.


Announcement of Winners: Mathematics Olympiad

Dear participants, judges, and esteemed guests,

We are delighted to gather here today to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students in the Mathematics Olympiad. This competition has been a testament to the mathematical talent and dedication of our young scholars. Without further ado, let us proceed to recognize the exceptional performances of our participants.

Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the participants for their hard work, perseverance, and enthusiasm throughout the Mathematics Olympiad. Your passion for mathematics has been truly inspiring, and we commend you for your dedication to academic excellence.

Without further delay, let us announce the winners. In the Individual Category, the third-place winner is Emily Johnson from Lincoln High School, whose exceptional problem-solving skills earned her recognition among her peers. The second-place winner is Michael Chen from Jefferson Academy, whose mathematical prowess and creativity impressed the judges. Finally, in the Individual Category, the first-place winner is Sarah Lee from Roosevelt Prep, whose outstanding performance exemplifies the highest standards of mathematical achievement.

Congratulations! The three winners will receive award certificates, and the first winner will receive a cash prize of 20 million rupiah, the second winner will receive 15 million rupiah, and the third winner will receive 10 million rupiah. These prizes are presented by ABC Corp, the main sponsor of today’s Mathematics debate.

We extend our gratitude to our judges, sponsors, and supporters for their unwavering commitment to promoting excellence in mathematics education. Let us continue to inspire and empower the next generation of mathematicians. Thank you. 


Dance Cover Competition Winners

Dear Participants and Audience,

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the Dance Cover Competition held on Saturday, March 16, 2024. After careful consideration and evaluation by our esteemed panel of judges, we have selected the top performers who captivated us with their talent, creativity, and dedication.

Without further ado, here are the winners:

1st Place: Rose Pink 

2nd Place: Choco Fully

3rd Place: Megacandy

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners and express our gratitude to every participant for their enthusiasm and commitment.  Thank you to our sponsors, judges, and audience for making this event a success.

For prize collection, please confirm via WhatsApp with the number 082245678910 (Randy) until March 25, 2024. 

Let’s continue to celebrate the joy of dance and creativity together. Stay tuned for future events and opportunities to showcase your talent!


Warm regards,
Playful Dance Committee


Contoh Announcement Text Tentang Covid 19

Well, covid-19 is over, thanks, God! Oh ya, kita throwback sedikit dengan beberapa contoh announcement text tentang covid-19, yuk!


Announcement: COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines

Dear Indonesian citizens,

During these challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s crucial that we all remain vigilant and take proactive measures to protect ourselves and others. As such, the government strongly advises the following preventive measures:

We urge everyone to wear face masks in public areas and maintain a safe distance of at least 1 meter from others. Additionally, practicing regular hand hygiene by washing hands frequently with soap and water or using hand sanitizer is essential.

Avoiding large gatherings and unnecessary travel is paramount to reducing the risk of transmission. If you feel unwell or experience any COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home and seek medical attention if necessary.

Furthermore, we encourage all eligible individuals to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible.

Your cooperation and adherence to these guidelines are vital in our collective efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19. Let’s stand together and prioritize the health and safety of our communities. Thank you for your cooperation.

Best Regards,
Indonesian Ministry of Health


Transition to Remote Work Arrangements

Dear Team Members,

In response to the evolving COVID-19 situation and in alignment with government directives, we have made the decision to implement remote work arrangements for all employees, effective immediately. This decision has been made to prioritize the health and safety of our staff and their families while ensuring business continuity during these challenging times.

While our physical office will remain closed until further notice, all employees are expected to continue their work remotely from home. We understand that this may present some challenges, but we are committed to providing the necessary support and resources to facilitate a smooth transition to remote work.

All meetings, including team huddles and client engagements, will be conducted virtually via video conferencing platforms. Managers will be available to provide guidance and support to their teams, and regular check-ins will be scheduled to maintain open lines of communication.

We encourage all employees to prioritize their well-being and to adhere to public health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Remember to maintain regular communication with your team members and reach out if you require any assistance or support during this period.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we navigate these unprecedented times together. By working together and supporting one another, we will emerge stronger from this challenge. Stay safe and take care.

Ruang Rasa Company HR Department


Temporary Restrictions on Public Transportation

To all Indonesian citizens,

As part of our ongoing efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, temporary restrictions on the use of public transportation are being implemented. Effective immediately, there will be limitations on the capacity of buses, trains, and other modes of public transportation to ensure adequate social distancing among passengers.

We urge commuters to plan their journeys accordingly and consider alternative modes of transportation whenever possible. Additionally, face masks will be mandatory for all passengers using public transportation services, and strict sanitation protocols will be enforced to maintain a clean and safe environment.

These measures are essential in safeguarding the health and well-being of our community members and reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission in crowded public spaces.

Your cooperation and understanding during this challenging period are greatly appreciated. Together, we can overcome these obstacles and emerge stronger. Thank you for your cooperation.

Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia

Nah guys, dari semua contoh announcement text yang sudah English Academy berikan, pasti ada dong, pengumuman yang familiar atau bahkan cukup sering kamu dengar dan baca?

Misal, ketika pandemi tahun 2020 hingga 2023 awal, hampir setiap pekan kita mendengar atau membaca announcement soal Covid-19 dari pemerintah. 

Atau, kalau kamu menyukai traveling, kemungkinan suara pengumuman dari pramugari di kereta dan pesawat adalah announcement yang paling sering kamu dengar.

Tapi, meskipun hanya terbiasa mendengar, pada akhirnya kamu juga harus bisa menulis announcement text sendiri ya! 

Pasalnya, ini akan berguna jika suatu saat nanti ada hal penting tentang kamu atau organisasi-mu yang harus diketahui secara resmi oleh publik. 

Kalau kamu masih butuh referensi contoh announcement text lainnya, coba tanya pada teman-teman atau guru di English Academy, yuk! Di sana, kamu bisa mempelajari teks pengumuman langsung dari native speaker. Cobain kelas gratisnya ya!

CTA English Academy


Referensi Gambar:

The girl in a white shirt holding something. [daring]. Tautan: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/girl-white-shirt-holding-something_10727060.htm#fromView=search&page=1&position=4&uuid=a2338b13-afae-432e-90fd-096570b07545 (Diakses: 6 Juni 2024)

Intan Aulia Husnunnisa

Intan Aulia Husnunnisa, biasa dipanggil Intan. Menikmati dunia SEO Content Writing sejak 2020. Semoga tulisanku bermanfaat!